The framers of America’s constitution knew nothing about mobilephones, but they knew athing or two about unreasonable searches. In Riley vs California, the SupremeCourtconsidered “whether the police may,without a warrant, search digitalinformation on a cellphone seized from anindividual who has been arrested.”Unanimously onJune 25th, the justices said no, or, to be more precise, veryrarely.
David Riley, a member of the Bloods streetgang who was sentenced to15 years to life for attempted murder, and BrimaWurie, sentenced to 262 monthson a drug charge, will be happy to hear this.Except in true emergencies wheresearching a mobile phone could, say, avert aterrorist attack, police pryingwithout a warrant violates the Fourth Amendment’s bar on “unreasonable”searches, the justices decided. Since both Riley and Wurie’s convictions werebased on evidence gleaned from such searches, theywill be overturned.
1.The reason why the case of David has thepossibility of being invalidated is that
(A) The evidence associated withhisconviction violates the Fourth Amendment.
(B) The conviction will be overturnedasjustices decided in Riley vs Californiacase.
(C) His charge of attempted murder is notbasedon true emergencies when police prying.
(D) The way to attain evidenceisunconstitutional according to an unanimous decision.