逼格高的句子又来了(这周经济学人的句子)。明年呢不仅是美国的大选年,同样是英国的大选年;我们关注美国大选是因为选举结果可能会影响中美关系,进而影响中国经济。对于英国的关注就纯是因为考研要求了,像英国这样的小屁国家谁当首相都无所谓,中国一个县委书记过去也能把这个国家给治理好了。绝对没有夸张,制度放在这里的,怎么折腾其实都不会有大麻烦,毕竟是曾经的日不落帝国嘛。言归正传,先给大家介绍一个英国的税收制度叫:non-doms; 这个制度就是规定英国人在海外挣的钱是不用向英国政府缴税的。这个制度其实一直被看做是对有钱人的保护,因为只有那些有钱人才有能力在海外挣钱啊。这个制度还有一项规定就是一些外国人(non-domiciled residents)也能享有免税政策(tax exemptions)。所以,一些左派的工党(代表劳工和中下层人士利益)就会一直向这个制度发难,为什么保护有钱人?为什么保护外国人?自己家的工人就不是亲生的?当然其真实目的也只是为了获得更多的选票支持。不然,之前那么多工党领袖上台以后怎么没有把这个制度给废了呢?这一次一个叫 Miliband 的工党首相竞选人也提出了准备废除这个制度,不过呢大家对他的想法也不乐观哦:
But the fact that Mr Miliband’s predecessor and political mentor rdon Brown shied away from doing the same when he was chancellor of the exchequer suggests that abolishing this particular loophole is not as straightforward as it may look.
1.predecessor 前任
2.Mentor 导师
3.Shied =shy 的过去式; shy away doing sth:避免做某事;
4.chancellor of the exchequer 还记得什么意思吗?
5. loophole 漏洞
6. abolish 废除
7. straightforward 直接
例句:This is a straightforward case, as these things .
主干识别: The fact suggests that…
其他成分: abolishing this particular loophole is not as straightforward as it may look.
Mr Miliband’s predecessor and political mentor rdon Brown shied away from doing the same when he was chancellor of the exchequer 同位语从句
翻译技巧: 在翻译的时候能可以先翻译同位语从句再翻译其他的:
Mr Miliband的前任(工党内职务的前任),也是他的政治导师rdon Brown在就任财务大臣的时候就避免废除non-doms政策,由此可见,消除这一特定的缺陷并不像事情本身看起来那样简单。
Under Labour’s plan, temporary exemptions would be allowed for students and foreign workers seconded to Britain for short periods of time. This makes sense. The non-dom system is an anomaly, but Britain should not stop the flow of skilled foreigners the economy needs.
1. anomaly n.异常现象
But India 's derivatives anomaly is likely to persist.
2. seconded 临时被调派
Someone will have to be seconded from another department to do this work.