更新时间:2019-08-06 16:28:02
(另外:四六级的点拨我就发在新浪微博上面了。大家在新浪微博上搜索:何凯文; 就可以看到我了;有微信的同学就感谢你们为我点击推广了。这段时间忙日志的事情,微信的推广排名太低了。收益就更少了。等多点的时候我们也来回馈各位!拜托,拜托!)
The tension between innovators andregulators has been particularly intense of late. Uber and Lyft have hadcomplaints that their car-hailing services break all sorts of taxi regulations.People renting out rooms on Airbnb have been accused of running unlicensedhotels. Tesla, a maker of electric cars, has suffered legal setbacks in itsattempts to sell directly to motorists rather than through independent dealers.In its early days Prosper Marketplace, a peer-to-peer lending platform,suffered a “cease and desist” order from the Securities and ExchangeCommission.
词汇突破:1. Uber 美国的打车软件;(类似中国的滴滴打车)
2. Lyft 也是美国的打车软件(类似中国的快的打车)
3. complaints 抱怨
4. Airbnb 美国的一种换房服务网站
5. be accused of 被指责;(指控)
6. unlicensed 没有执照的
7. setbacks 困难
8. cease and desist终止和停止
9. Securities and ExchangeCommission美国证券交易委员会
10. Prosper Marketplace 美国繁荣市场公司
11. a peer-to-peer lendingplatform P2P的交易平台;类似中国的宜信贷
12. Tesla 特斯拉(全球最有名的电动汽车车品牌)
13.of late= recently = latest 最近
1.The tension between innovators andregulators has been particularly intense of late. 2.Uber and Lyft have hadcomplaints that their car-hailing services break all sorts of taxi regulations.3.People renting out rooms on Airbnb have been accused of running unlicensedhotels.4. Tesla, a maker of electric cars, has suffered legal setbacks in itsattempts to sell directly to motorists rather than through independent dealers.5. In its early days Prosper Marketplace, a peer-to-peer lending platform,suffered a “cease and desist” order from the Securities and ExchangeCommission.
The tension between innovators andregulators has been particularly intense of late.
Uber and Lyft have had complaints/thattheir car-hailing services break all sorts of taxi regulations.(同位语从句)
Uber and Lyft have had complaints 遭到投诉
第三句:People renting out rooms onAirbnb have been accused of running unlicensed hotels.
第四句:Tesla, a maker of electriccars, has suffered legal setbacks in its attempts to sell directly to motoristsrather than through independent dealers.
第五句:In its early days / ProsperMarketplace, a peer-to-peer lending platform, suffered a “cease and desist”order from the Securities and Exchange Commission.
参考译文:美国繁荣市场公司,一家P2P的借贷平台,在初创期也遭到了美国证券交易委员会的叫停。(ceaseand desist)
通过对这几句话的分析,你可以发现这里的句间关系是很典型的总分和并列关系;第一句是结论(总)2345(分)2345句之间是并列关系;在实战的过程中,如果后面四句换读不懂,其实也无所谓,你可以通过句间关系推断出他们想要表达的意思就是第一句话的意思!“创新者和监管者之间的关系特别紧张。”Uber,Lyft,Airbnb,Tesla,PosperMarketplace 都是创新者。