Netflix, which streams films and TV programmes through the internet, became the first big company to oppose the planned mega-merger Comcast and Time Warner Cable, arguing that their combination would end up controlling broadband access in 60% of American households.
词汇突破:Netflix 美国最大的在线网络视频提供商和影碟租赁商,现在也在出品电视剧,最有名的就是纸牌屋。
Comcast :康卡斯特。
康卡斯特(英文:Comcast Corporation;缩写: CMCSA),是美国一家主要有线电视,宽带网络及IP电话服务供应商,总部位于宾夕凡尼亚州的费城,拥有2460万有线电视用户,1440万宽带网络用户及560万IP电话用户,是美国最大的有线电视公司。康卡斯特亦是美国第二大互联网服务供应商,仅次于AT&T之后。
2014年2月13日,Comcast宣布以452亿美元收购美国第二大有线电视运营商时代华纳有线(Time Warner Cable)。
Stream: 流媒体播放
End up doing sth 以…为结局
句子解析: 切分还原为一个个简单的句子:
1. Netflix streams films and TV programmes through the internet.
2. Netflix became the first big company to oppose the planned mega-merger Comcast and Time Warner Cable.
3. Netflix argued that their combination would end up controlling broadband access in 60% of American households.