Doctor-assisted dying
One door closes, another opens
A missed opportunity in Britain; a chance to be seized in California
SHOULD doctors be allowed to prescribe life-ending medication to terminally ill patients who ask for it? For this newspaper the answer is simple: the state should no more intrude on personal decisions at the close of life than at any point during it. But doctor-assisted dying is legal in only a few European countries, Colombia and four sparsely populated American states.
Last week, for the first time since both places said “no” in the 1990s, law makers in Britain and California voted on this question—and came to different conclusions.By 330 to 118, British MPs rejected a bill modelled on Oren’s 1997 Death with Dignity Act; by narrow ermargins, California’s state assembly and senate passed a similar measure. Ifits vernor, Jerry Brown, does not veto the bill within 30 days,doctor-assisted dying will soon be legal in America’s most populous state.
California’s bill had seemed stalled; it was revived in a special legislative session. The British bill, by contrast,had momentum. In 2010 the director of public prosecutions had said that those accompanying loved ones to clinics in Switzerland, where doctor-assisted dying is legal, would not face charges.And last year a similar bill had made od progress in the House of Lords, Britain’s upper chamber, before running out oftime. But both shared a common feature: they were proposed by individual politicians, not the vernment. Indeed, everywhere that doctor-assisted dying has been considered or legalised, change has been spurred on by campaigning patients and their supporters, not by main stream political parties. vernments have preferred to avoid the issue—even though solid majorities of voters in most Western countries favour giving the terminally ill the option of apainless way out.
Critics fear that legalising doctor-assisted suicide will start a slippery slide towards mass euthanasia.But this has not happened in Oren, where in 17 years just 1,327 lethal doses have been dispensed—and that counts people who moved to Oren specifically todie, including Brittany Maynard, a Californian with terminal brain cancer whose story moved some Californian lawmakers into supporting the bill. As The Economist has reported, there is little evidence that assisted-dying laws have been abused, and plenty that they alleviate suffering. Some fear that, if the option is available, sick or disabled people will feel undue pressure to make use of it. But this has not happened, either. On the contrary, many have found that having control over the timing and manner of their death has given them greater dignity and autonomy.
Leading from the front
Assisted dying has powerful, respectable opponents, including some doctors and religious leaders. California’s medical association recently dropped its opposition, but Britain’s remains opposed. The Catholic church condemns all forms of suicide.Britain’s prime minister, David Cameron, said he was “happy” for MPs to debate the matter, but was “notconvinced” of the need for change. Mr Brown, a Catholic, said that the issue was “important” and merited “serious consideration”, but has not made clear whether he will veto California’s bill.
Mr Brown’s conscience is his to vern;Californians deserve the same liberty. He should let this bill pass. And vernments everywhere should recognise that, just as life belongs to the individual, so should its end.