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来源:武汉文都 更新时间:2019-08-06 16:28:02

  Within two months of theintroduction of the euro, at the end of February 2002, the member nations ofthe European Union held a convention for the purpose of considering thecreation of a Europe-wide constitution.
  1.for the purpose ofconsidering 转译为动词:考虑
  2.the creation 转译为动词:起草
  3. Within two months of theintroduction of the euro,
  (1) Withintwo months…不到两个月
  Donald Trump slanders Mexican immigrants as drug  dealers and rapists, calls America “a dumping ground” for foreigners and promises to make the country “great again” by getting rid of 11 million of them. “Immigration without assimilation is invasion,” says Bobby Jindal, repeatedly.On and on, the fever rages. But this week, a cool blast of reason blew in from outside the fray. A team of scholars presented  exhaustive evidence that anti-immigrant bitry is baseless and that the truism about America as a” melting pot” is – no kidding – still true. The basic conclusion is that the machinery of American assimilation is working pretty well after nearly two and a half centuries.
  1.What is the opinion of scholars about the immigrants according to the passage?
  (A) The immigrants have hardly been assimilated in the “melting pot”recently.
  (B) A more reasonable opinion should be blew on the immigrants.
  (C) More immigrants should be assimilated to make the country  great.
  (D) anti-immigrant bitry is the truism with no kidding.


