1. Itis hoped that we should place much emphasis on/paymore attention to...
例句:It is hoped that we should pay moreattention to the problems ofunemployment.
2.Only in this way/only when/only through..., will/canwe...
例句:It is only if all sides of society taketheir roles fully that we willachieve the society we want.
3. Aslong as..., we will be able to.../the problems isbound to...
例句:As long as we persist in spreadingscientific knowledge among themasses, all the superstitions are bound to outof our life.
4. Inthe course of time/In a long run/In the long term,sth. is more likely/bound/sureto...
例句:In a long run, the practice of birthcontrol is believed to do a greatbenefit to the future of China.
5. Ina word, there is every/littlechance/probability/possibility that...in time tocome.
例句:In a word, there is every chance that thiswise move in economicconstruction will acquire a broader significance in timeto come.
6.Anything/anyone that/who...will have to...
例句:Anyone who has a strong bias against Chinawill have to threat her withincreased respect.
7. Itis high time that...
例句:It is high time that the issue were to besolved so as to promote theeconomic development.
8. Weshould do our best in eliminating...
例句:We should do our best in eliminating airpollution.
9.The problem is not...; the problem is...
例句:The problem is not that we cannot do it;the problem is that we hate todo such nasty things.
10.Inorder to..., we must...
例句:In order to make our world a better placein which to live, we mustlearn to live in harmony with all wildlife species.
11.Allthe above evidence/experience/ facts es to showthat...
例句:All the above evidence es to show thatthe birth of computer hasbenefited our life greatly.
12.Nosurprising/ It is apparent that the taskof...demands/requires/deservesimmediate/serious/considerableattention/consideration.
例句:It is, therefore, apparent that the task offighting against corruptionrequires considerable consideration now.
13.Wecan come to the conclusion that...
例句:We can come to theconclusion that living oncampus is the best way of learning independence, andof understanding otherpeople and society at large.
14.Wethen have reasons to be confident that in the nearfuture...
例句:We then have reasons to be confident thatin the near future, no childis forced out of school because of poverty.
15.Mysuggestion is that...; otherwise...
例句:My suggestion is that effective measuresshould be taken to checkpopulation growth; otherwise, the potential consequencesare unimaginable.
16.Asfor me, I have always been taking care to... So,I...
例句:As for me, I have always been taking careto choose a al and a rightpath before doing anything important. Then I willwork hard and perseveringly.So, I have made some achievements and I will dobetter.
17.SoI believe a...tomorrow...will be achieved throughefforts of every person.
例句:So I believe a safe tomorrow of less caraccidents will be achievedthrough efforts of every person.
18.Therefore,we should not only...but...as well.
例句:Therefore, we should not only realize thatcompetition and cooperation,like two sides of the coin, have to hand inhand, but fix more attention onhow to make full use of cooperation as well.
19.Inshort, ...are the major problems to be solved to...
例句:In short, shortage of water,decrease offertile fields and environmental pollution are the major problemsto be solvedto increase grain production.
20.Whois to say that...?
例句:Who is to say that ourscientists may notprovide a better theory?