The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45, you are required t reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list A-E to fill in each numbered box. The first and the last paragraphs have been placed for you in Boxes. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)
[A] Most vernments are responding pragmatically. After years in which AIDS was denounced as a social evil, Vietnam's communist rulers have begun to attend AIDS-awareness functions and promote AIDS-prevention schemes. In neighbouring Laos, soldiers are taught about AIDS as part of their training. Indonesia is running needle exchanges and handing out methadone to heroin users, although only at a handful of clinics.
Until recently, South-East Asia was considered a beacon of hope in the fight against AIDS. Thailand and Cambodia, where the epidemic took hold in the 1990s, have managed to reduce the incidence of the disease through virous and well funded public-health campaigns. In Cambodia, the proportion of adults infected by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, fell from 3% in 1997 to a still high 1.9% in 2003. In Thailand, the number of new cases has fallen each year for the past decade.
[C] "BOOM!" That, in a word, is how one epidemiologist describes the spread of AIDS in Vietnam. Infection rates may be higher in Africa, but AIDS is growing faster in South-East Asia than in any other part of the world. What is more, in populous countries like Vietnam and Indonesia, even small increases in the proportion infected means millions of new cases.
[D] AIDS is spreading so quickly because those most in danger are still taking risks. A recent survey of injecting drug users in three Indonesian cities found that 88% had used unsterilised needles in the previous week. No wonder, then, that half of all drug users in Jakarta and Bali have HIV. By the same token, repeated surveys find that relatively few prostitutes use condoms in Indonesia. Infection rates among them have risen as high as 17% in some parts of the country. In Ho Chi Minh City, in Vietnam, over a third of prostitutes inject drugs, and half of those are HIV positive.
[E] But when Malaysian authorities announced that they would start similar programmes earlier this year, religious leaders reacted with horror. The vernment of the state of Perak said it would distribute condoms only to married men. In 2003, the Philippines' Catholic bishops succeeded in blocking a proposal to spend vernment money on condom distribution. The military regime in Myanmar has not yet allowed any prevention campaigns on radio or television. Even Thailand, which mounted a much-imitated "100% condom" campaign in the 1990s, is uncomfortable with any policies that imply forbearance in the face of drug use.
[F] People in the region remain worryingly ignorant about AIDS. Last year, the World Health Organization reported that prevention programmers had reached only 19% of prostitutes in Asia and the Pacific, 5% of drug users and 1% of gay men. People in risky situations use condoms only 8% of the time, it reckoned. Only 1% of Indonesian women have ever been tested for HIV.
[G] Even as Thailand and Cambodia get to grips with AIDS, however, the disease has been taking hold in other countries in the region. Myanmar and Papua New Guinea, with estimated infection rates of 1.2% and 1.7% respectively, face what the United Nations AIDS programmer call generalized epidemics. Several others, including Indonesia and Vietnam, are witnessing skyrocketing infection rates among drug users, from whom the disease might soon start spreading to the wider population. In East Asia as a whole, the number of people living with HIV rose by 24% in 2004 alone, according to a UNAIDS report, to be released on July 1st at a regional AIDS conference in Kobe, Japan.
C 41. 42 43 44 45 E
Answer B G D F A