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来源:武汉文都 更新时间:2019-08-06 16:28:02

  China has launched an investigation into Volkswagenas the diesel emissions scandal engulfing theGerman carmaker reached the world’s biggest car market.
  The environmental protection ministry said on Monday that it was “highly concerned” aboutthe issue. However, it added that an initial investigation revealed that only 1,900 imported VWcars included the so-called defeat devices designed to fool emissions tests.
  中国环保部周一表示,对这一事件高度重视。但该部又表示,初步调查结果显示,中国只有1900余辆进口大众汽车搭载了旨在欺骗尾气检测的所谓“减效装置”(defeat device)。
  It said VW’s locally produced vehicles, which account for the bulk of its sales in the carmaker’sbiggest single market, were not affected.
  VW said on Monday that it was recalling 1,950 imported diesel vehicles in China in order to“correct the engine software”.
  “After the internal evaluation Volkswagen is now working full speed on a technical solution,”it said, adding that “all vehicles are technically safe and roadworthy”.
  The German car company is in the midst of a global recall of 11m cars that were fitted withillegal software to cheat emissions tests by regulators.
  While diesel is widely used in China to power trucks, the vast majority of cars sold in thecountry run on petrol.
  John Zeng, an analyst with LMC Automotive in Shanghai, said he expected VW to “have somePR issues” but not much material impact given that its diesel sales in China are tiny.
  上海LMC Automotive分析师曾志凌(John Zeng)表示,他预期大众将“遭遇一些公关问题”,但鉴于它在中国销售的柴油车数量很少,它不会受到太多实质性影响。
  He added that VW would be cushioned from reputational blows because its production andsales are managed through joint ventures with SAIC and FAW, two state-owned vehiclecompanies.
  VW on Monday said it wanted to “sincerely apologise” to its customers and would do“everything humanly possible to win back trust and take care of any concerns”, noting that“Volkswagen has been at home in China for more than 30 years”.


