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来源:武汉文都 更新时间:2019-08-06 16:28:02


  A fighting life
  Lord Healey, a giant of the Labour Party, died on October 3rd, aged 98
  Oct 10th 2015 | From the print edition
  WHEREVER he went, Denis Healey took photographs. From a Brownie box camera, which ignited the boyhood passion, he soared up to an Olympus, snapping all the way. More than 42,000 photographs and slides eventually filled his house in Sussex. At summits, banquets and college dinners what other guests saw of him was mostly a toothy grin beneath a large flashing lens, and over it those extraordinary eyebrows, God’s gift to cartoonists, twitching up and down.
  A photographer places himself at a certain distance from events; so did he. Though caught up for 40 years in the whirl of British politics, and especially Labour’s sempiternal internecine struggles, he attracted no clique or claque around him, and did not try to. He said he went to the Members’ Tea Room in the House of Commons, the Labour Party’s den of plots, only when he actually wanted a cup of tea. Though heartily gregarious, he was politically a loner who beat his own path.
  He often did so bruisingly. At east London by-elections in the 1960s he twice floored fascist hecklers with his fists. Colleagues were summed up unsparingly. Roy Jenkins had “the sleek pomposity of Mr Podsnap”; to be attacked by Geoffrey Howe was like “being savaged by a dead sheep”; Margaret Thatcher was “Rhoda the Rhino”, and her love for Milton Friedman’s economic policies “sado-monetarism”. Vast reading and a double first in Mods and Greats (classics and philosophy) from Oxford gave him an inexhaustible supply of allegory and metaphor on which to draw.
  他做事总是很努力,在上世纪60年代东伦敦的选举上,他两次用拳头打倒了法西斯诘问者。同事们对这事总结的毫不留情。有"Podsnap 先生圆滑自负"的詹金斯被杰弗里豪袭击地像一只将死的绵羊。被称作"罗达的犀牛"的玛格丽特撒切尔热爱密尔顿弗里德曼的"货币主义狂"的经济政策。在牛津大量阅读和双第一的MODS和伟人(经典和哲学)给他作的画象征的蕴意无穷。
  In 1976 he came very close to being prime minister, but was beaten by Jim Callaghan. In 1980 he almost became leader of the Labour Party, only to be bested by Michael Foot. He would not have minded being prime minister; but his dream job was foreign secretary, where he could do most to prevent another war like the one he had coolly fought in. He had credentials: as a student he had cycled through Nazi Germany, and from 1946 he was Labour’s international secretary, helping to rebuild Europe’s battered socialist parties. Yet he was never foreign secretary either. In 1979 he was given the shadow job, sheer frustration. It was, as Coleridge wrote, “unmeaning as moonlight on the dial of the day.”
  The two posts he held in government were secretary of defence and chancellor of the exchequer. He loved the first, all globe-trotting and congenial top brass, even though he had to withdraw from east of Suez and chop £400m out of the arms budget. The chancellorship was something else. Knowing nothing of “absurd” economics, he had to sort out a country with soaring inflation, a massive balance-of-payments deficit and no growth; in 1976 the markets began to abandon sterling, which had to be rescued with a loan of £1.9 billion from the IMF. Freedom from its grip (“Sod off Day”, he called it) took a year to achieve, and only at the cost of enraging the unions with curbs on wage rises. Their resentment roiled Labour for a decade.
  A knight against pomposity
  His relations with the hard left had never been sweet. He detested those “Toytown Trots”, and as early as 1959 had warned the Labour Party not to “teach Socialist Sunday school” but to engage with the problems of the average worker—like the man in his constituency of Leeds South East, who brought him a jar of slugs to demonstrate how damp his kitchen was. (Such episodes easily moved him to tears.) In the shadow cabinet he strenuously opposed nationalisation for the sake of it, or kneejerk opposition to NATO and the Americans. He did not mind milking the rich, gleefully anticipating the “howls of anguish”—but only in order to make their taxes proportionate to those on the poor. In 1981, “by an eyebrow”, he defeated the left-wing Tony Benn for the deputy leadership of the party. He thereby saved it to govern another day—only to live long enough to see it fall again to leftist Sirens in 2015.
  他与左派的关系从来没有缓和过。他憎恨那些无意义的现有译本,早在1959年,他曾经警告过英国工党不要去教社会主义主日学校,而是去洽谈普通工人的问题。比如利兹的东南部的一个将一罐蛞蝓给他来证明他的厨房很潮湿(这种事件很容易刺激他的泪腺)。在隐蔽的内阁内,他极其的反对社会主义为了这些利益,与此也强烈反对北约和美国。他真的并不介意致富,而且很乐意加入“愤怒的宣泄”,但仅仅是为了给穷人实施合适的税收。在1981年,他打败了左翼的托尼·本 成为委员会的领导人。他从而保留了它并且可以等到另一个时间再管理-只是想能在有生之年看到它再次下降到2015年的左翼塞壬。

  Immersed in all this, he was also detached from it. Relishing politics, he did not take it too seriously. He happily appeared with TV comedians, plunked on pianos at election time and was made a Knight of the Order Against Pomposity. And he had a hinterland, as he put it. Family—three children and Edna, his staunchly supportive wife—was his first delight. After that came poetry, painting, music and his camera. He slipped away from an IMF meeting in Washington to hear a Ravel opera, played truant from a summit at Rambouillet to catch the scenery, and even nipped off to the Edinburgh Festival as sterling crashed.
  For him, art of all kinds came closest to explaining the human predicament. He learned more from a novel by Virginia Woolf, or a poem by Yeats, than from any political treatise. As one who wrestled inconclusively with the biggest issues of the day—whether nuclear weapons really deterred, whether the EU and its antecedents were really good for Britain—he loved, too, the way that a painting by Cotman or a sonata by Beethoven could make many disparate elements into one architecture of beauty. If only politics could do the same.
  He was asked in old age what advice he would give to students of politics. His answer was one word: “Live.” Eat, drink, fight, love, work, travel—and take photographs. For as he ended his autobiography, in Blake’s words, “He who kisses the joy as it flies/ Lives in eternity’s sunrise.”


