China delayed scrapping its one-child policy out offear that the population would expand too rapidly,a senior official said on Tuesday — despite the fact demographers say the birth rate wasalready dwindling before it was introduced in 1979.
Beijing decided last month to relax the restriction — one of the most draconian socialexperiments in modern history and for long the focus of criticism overseas and resentment athome — and allow all couples to have two children.
The vernment has been under domestic pressure to end the policy, which has contributedto an ageing society and a shortage of workers.
Wang Pei’an, vice-minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, toldreporters that officials had been influenced by research that implied an end to the one-childpolicy would lead to a spike in births.
Mr Wang said a study of the nation’s population growth between 2006 and 2008 showed 80per cent of Chinese couples wanted one boy and one girl. That survey, combined with Germanresearch estimating families must average three children to have at least one of each, alarmedfamily planners, he said.
They instead opted for a phased approach, first allowing two urban parents who were bothsingle children to have a second child, then couples where just one was an only child and finallyallowing a second child for all, Mr Wang said. He would not explain why those steps took solong to roll out.
“The three steps weren’t public at the time,” he said. “It was very sensitive.”
Demographers say China’s zealous planners may have overshot amid low birth rates amongmore prosperous urban Chinese. The concession on a second child where just one parent wasa singleton, which was expected to result in 2m more births annually, led to fewer than 1mcouples requesting permission last year.
In February 2008, Zhao Baige, then vice-minister of family planning, told foreign reporters inBeijing that China would ultimately scrap the one-child policy but did not give a timetable. Shealso said planners were alarmed at the severe imbalance in the numbers of boys and girls inChina.
The average number of children that would be born to each woman had decreased to anestimated 1.8 at the time. Now, with every couple allowed two, planners project the averagenumber for women of child-bearing age will rise to 1.93, still below the replacement rate ofabout 2.1.
Mr Wang rejected the suggestion that China should do away with population control policiesaltogether.
China’s restrictions prevented further strain on limited natural resources and allowed citizensto enjoy prosperity, full meals and adequate clothing, Mr Wang said — a common defence ofthe policy. “Development and the interests of the country are still incompatible with a largepopulation,” he said.
Couples in most of the rest of east Asia, as well as in western Europe, have voluntarily chosento have fewer children as living conditions improve and costs rise, without resorting to China’srecipe of punitive fines, forced abortions, involuntary sterilisation, or removal of out-of-planchildren by the state.