Intellectual Skills
1. critical thinking =innovation 创新
2. Curiosity(充满好奇)= adventure spirit 冒险精神
3. Discrimination—ability to distinguish what is important from what is trivial(辨别事情的轻重缓急)
4. Imagination 想象力; expressive 有表达力
5. Common sense 常识
6. Dispassion and Objectivity (冷静和客观)
7. Systematic problem-solving (系统、条理的处理问题的能力)
8. Capacity for logical reasoning,including abstract and theoretical reasoning 逻辑推理能力,包括抽象和理论推理
9. Capacity to draw logical inferences from observational and experimental data (从表面现象推导本质问题的能力)
Communication Skills
1. Capacity to retrieve information from published sources(提取信息的能力)
2. Capacity to communicate in writing (写作中的表达能力)
3. Capacity to communicate orally (口头相互交流的能力)
4. Skill in use of computers and other information-processing devices 使用电脑和其他信息处理工具的能力
5. Skill in graphic display of information and ideas(用图景表达自己的想法)
Personality Characteristics
1. Maturity (人格、人生观和价值观的生熟)
2. Motivation and drive (自我激励)
3. Self-confidence (自信)
4. Dependability (值得信赖)
5. Independence(独立性)
6. Empathy(这个词比较难理解!1、要执着和投入;2、要站在别人的角度考虑当时的问题,不要执着于无谓的争执。)
7. Capacity to work effectively with superiors, peers, and subordinates (高度协调的能力。)
8. Initiative and sense of responsibility (主观能动性,勇敢的行动,责任心很重要)
9. Capacity for objective self-criticism (不断进行客观的自我批评)
10. Leadership and management skills (领导和管理能力)
Habits of Work
1. Efficiency in the use of time 高效利用时间
2. Persistence—ability to see things through to completion; perseverance 坚持
3. Capacity for sustained intellectual and physical work(劳逸结合)
4. Orderliness 有条理
5. Ability to meet deadlines 敢于面对压力