  • 群名称:2020文都考研交流2群
    群   号:174073601




来源:武汉文都 更新时间:2019-08-06 16:28:02

  The picture demonstrates a fact that college students are increasingly suffering from psychological and mental problems, such as depression, anxiety, stress and solitude. Beyond any dispute, the mental health is part and parcel to the individual growth. It is difficult to the point of impossibility for any youngster to make any advancement, either in academic performance or in social activities, with the absence of the healthy mental state. This picture reminds us that due attention should be paid to this adverse trend.According to the latest survey, fortunately, almost all universities have established professional groups to offer assistance and help to those students under the constant pressure. This is a od start.
  Much can be done. Scholars, experts and professionals in relating areas are expected to design more courses to offer youngsters more guidance on how to  deal with stress properly. The university authority should introduce more up-to-date and appropriate campaigns to curb and harness this evil trend. And collegestudents are supposed to enhance their ability to weather hardship and adversity. Just as Kobe Bryant said, "Everything negative - pressure,challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise."


