有自卑感不可怕,因为人人都会有自卑感,只要无法达成理想的自己就会产生自卑感; 但我们不能有“自卑情结”!所谓自卑情结就是把自卑感当做不努力的借口!你觉得自己本科背景不好,你可以自卑!这个社会本科背景好的人确实相对混的更好一些,但是你不能这样认为”因为我学历背景不好,所以我不能成功!”当你这样想的时候你不是“不能成功”而是“不想成功”!你拿不出改变现状的勇气!你虽然对现状有不满,但是你还是更愿意去维持现状,所以你的“自卑情结”是你不努力的理由!
After a promising drug was found the final, most expensive stages of clinical trials, which measure the efficacy of a drug that has already been shown to be safe, could be publicly funded, using another portion of the huge potential savings from cheaper drugs, and conducted by independent laboratories. Once a medicine was validated, any drug company would be allowed to make it.
词汇突破:1.clinical trials 临床试验
2.publicly funded 公开募资
3.efficacy 功效,疗效(特别指药物)
4.a promising drug 有可能有效的药物
5.be found the final 进入最后阶段
6.validated 有效
主干识别:Most expensive stages of clinical trials could be publicly funded and conducted by independent laboratories
这个句子的难点就是主语的寻找! Final和most expensive 很容易被放在一起!一定要敢于切分!
切分成分:1.which measure the efficacy of a drug that has already been shown to be safe
2. using another portion of the huge potential savings from cheaper drugs 状语(独立成句)
3.(Most expensive stages of clinical trials could use another portion of the huge potential savings from cheaper drugs.)
Once a medicine was validated, any drug company would be allowed to make it.
Unlike the east coast, with its party machines and opaque movements of money, California’s love of direct democracy, which weakens parties and allows
individuals to be recalled from office, was supposed to keep politicians honest.