两年前耶鲁大学(Yale)法学院教授蔡美儿(Amy Chua,著有《虎妈战歌》Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother和贾德•鲁本菲尔德(Jed Rubenfeld)合作出版《成功三法宝:三种不可能的特质怎样解释美国文化群体起落》(The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America)这本书讨论了为什么一些人成功了,其他人却没成功,这一直是社会科学领域一个基本的研究课题,作者提出了一个新奇的论点。他们认为,特定的种族和宗教群体(例如古巴人、犹太人和印第安人)在美国取得成功的概率之所以高于平均水平,是因为其个体成员同时具有三个特别的特质:相信自己所属的群体天生高人一等,自身缺乏安全感,可以很好地控制自己的冲动。
1.a belief that their group was inherently superior to others;
2.a sense of personal insecurity;
3.a high degree of impulse control;
In this case, our studies affirmed that a person’s intelligence and socioeconomic background were the most powerful factors in explaining his or her success, and that the triple package was not — even when we carefully measured every element of it and considered all of the factors simultaneously.
Tubman, an African-American and a Union spy during the Civil War, would bump Jackson — a white man known as much for his persecution of Native Americans as for his war heroics and advocacy for the common man — to the back of the $20, in some reduced image along with the White House. Tubman would be the first woman so honored on paper currency since Martha Washington’s portrait briefly graced the $1 silver certificate in the late 19th century.
词汇突破:1. Union 南北战争中的北方
2. the Civil War 内战
3. persecution 迫害
4. Native Americans 美国原住民(印第安人)
5. war heroics 骁勇善战
Heroic 有必胜决心的;不畏艰难的;
例句:We watched our team’s heroic struggle to win back the cup.
6. reduced image 缩小的形象
7. along with 在…旁边
8. honored 充满荣耀
9. paper currency 纸币
10. grace (大家比较熟悉的是优美和优雅的意思;)这里的意思是to decorate;装饰的意思
11. silver certificate (白银美元)
例句:Mrs Washington was featured alone on the face of the$ 1 silver certificate in 1886.
12. advocacy 支持
13. common man 平民
主干识别:Tubman would bump Jackson to the back of the $20
切分成分:1. an African-American and a Union spy during the Civil War,同位语
2. a white man known as much for his persecution of Native Americans as for his war heroics and advocacy for the common man 同位语
3. in some reduced image along with the White House. 状语
独立成句:1. Tubman is an African-American and a Union spy during the Civil War
2. Jackson is a white man/known as much for his persecution of Native Americans /as for his war heroics and advocacy for the common man.
Known as much for A as for B
3. (Jackson is) in some reduced image along with the White House