For example, in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization -- with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed -- was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may under the same process in a decade or so.
1.Levin would not comment on the debate last week, but there were signs that the chairman was backing off his hard-line stand, at least to some extent.
词汇突破:1.back off : to take back a demand, an opinion, etc.that other people are strongly opposed to; to admit defeat. 放弃(别人强烈反对的主张,要求);
关于back 的词组:1)back sb/sth up 支持某人或某事;
2)Back and forth 反复来回
3)Put one’s back into sth 全力以赴
4)Have your back to the wall 背水一战、
Back 做动词就是支持的意思!
2. comment 评论
3. there were signs that…有迹象表明
4. hard-line stand 强硬的态度
参考译文:Levin没有对上周的辩论做出评论,但是有迹象表明至少在某种程度上,他强硬的态度(hard-line stand)有所让步(back off)。
2. During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month’s stockholders’ meeting, Levin asserted that “music is not the cause of society’s ills” and even cited his son, a teacher in the Bronx, New York, who uses rap to communicate with students.
词汇突破:1.verses 歌词
Rhythm 旋律 Passage 曲段
2. social ills 社会问题(写作词汇)ill effect 不良影响
ill at ease 局促不安
确定主干:Levin asserted that “music is not the cause of society’s ills” and even cited his son.
其他成分:状语:During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month’s stockholders’ meeting
同位语: a teacher in the Bronx, New York, who uses rap to communicate with students
3. But he talked as well about the “balanced struggle” between creative freedom and social responsibility, and he announced that the company would launch a drive to develop standards for distribution and labeling of potentially objectionable music.
词汇突破:1.launch 发起
2. a drive 活动
3. objectionable 令人反感的
4. potentially 可能的
5. distribution 发行
1. In face of the recent attacks on the company, the chairman Levin ________.
the recent attacks on the company= the debate last week
was backing off his hard-line stand to some extent= softened his tone
would launch a drive =adopted some new policy
[A] stuck to a strong stand to defend freedom of expression
[B] softened his tone and adopted some new policy
[C] changed his attitude and yielded to objection
只谈到了态度有所让步:to some extent; 某种程度,所以还到不了屈服的地步;
毕竟Back off 本来就是放弃的意思,但是这不有B吗!
[D] received more support from the 15-member board