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来源:武汉文都 更新时间:2019-08-06 16:28:02

  昨天的新闻:大隅良典是第23位出生于日本的诺贝尔奖得主,也是第6位出生于日本的诺贝尔生理或医学奖得主。其核心发现是:自噬(autophagy)这个词来源于希腊词语auto(自我)以及Phagein(吃)。所以,自噬表示“将自己吃掉”。1963年,比利时科学家克里斯蒂安·德·迪夫(Christian de Duve,1974年的诺贝尔医学奖得主)发明了“自噬”一词。当时研究人员发现细胞能够将自身成分用膜包起来,形成袋状囊泡并运送到溶酶体降解掉。由于这个领域的研究一直很困难,人们对这个过程知之甚少,直到1990年代大隅良典用一系列美妙的实验在酿酒酵母中发现了自噬的关键基因。他随后阐明了酵母中自噬的机制,并展示了在人的细胞中也有相似的复杂机制。这对于癌症等多种病症的治疗有很大的作用。


  The World Health Organisation has cleared coffee of causing cancer, but a detailed investigation has found that very hot drinks may be linked to cancer of the oesophagus, or gullet. Coffee was classified as a possible cause of cancer in 1991, but the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of WHO, has now reconsidered the evidence. It carried out a detailed review of the many studies published on the subject and found that coffee drinkers have no reason to worry.

  IARC also investigated the herbal drink mate, also known as chimarrão or cimarrón, which is widely consumed in South America, where oesophageal cancer is more common than in other parts of the world. The experts found that mate was not a cause of cancer, but they believe the temperature at which it is drunk probably is – and that other very hot drinks could also be linked to oesophageal cancer.

  What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?

  (A) Some cancers maybe related to the temperature of gullet.

  (B) The coffee mate may be the cause of oesophageal cancer.

  (C) The reasercher may find some new evidence for cimarrón cancer.

  (D) The WHO may find some new cause for the cancer.


  Certainly the Britain beyond London and the south-east that Mrs May wants to conquer—call it the Mayan Empire—is less economically advanced. If it were a country it would be about as rich as Spain, with a GDP per person one-tenth below the EU average.



