The administrative challenge alone is vast. Mrs May has passed much of it to pro-Brexit ministers known, inevitably, as the three Brexiteers: David Davis, Liam Fox and Boris Johnson. Just setting up a new Department for Exiting the EU under Mr Davis is taking time. The department is now150-strong, but it will have to expand to more like 400. Mr Fox’s Department for International Trade needs 1,000 staff, including hundreds of trade netiators. Relations between the two, and with Mr Johnson’s Foreign Office, can be strained.
Life is clearly possible outside the EU. But the process of getting there is full of pitfalls and problems. It is no wonder that Mrs May, contemplating the future from her walking holiday in Switzerland, has said little more than that “Brexit means Brexit”. And it is no wonder that she has dumped the responsibility for delivering it into the laps of the three Brexiteers.
Why Mrs May has left the responsibility of Brexit to the three Brexiteers?
(A) The possible challenge of Brexit is really big and huge.
(B) The three Brexiteers are more experienced in dealing with the challenge.
(C) The administrative challenge can only be handled by three Brexiteers.
(D) Relations between the two, and with Mr Johnson, can be tough.
Theresa May knew from the moment she became prime minister last month that Brexit would be her biggest test. 上个月特蕾莎•梅成为总理的那一刻,她就明白退欧将是最大的考验。Nobody has ever before tried to disentangle a large and sophisticated economy like Britain’s from as intricate and regulated a body as the European Union, after it has been a member for 43 years. 没有人曾经试图将一个和英国一样庞大而复杂的经济体从和欧盟一样错综复杂的受监管机构分解开来,尤其是在英国已经成为其成员国43年后。Before the June referendum, David Cameron’s vernment noted that Brexit would be the start, not the end, of a process and warned that it could last up to a decade.
在6月的全民公投前, 大卫•卡梅伦政府提到退欧将是一个进程的开始,而不是结束,并警告说这个进程可能会持续十多年。