加利福尼亚州拉荷亚的科学家珍妮尔•艾尔丝(Janelle Ayres)致力于研究如果帮助人类更好地应对超级细菌(superbugs)这个世纪难题。但她的研究途径并不是发现新的抗生素,而是寻找能帮助机体建立更好耐受性的有益菌(beneficial bacteria),让人类与超级细菌共同生存。她的父亲在一次常见的胆囊(a routine gallbladder surgery)手术后因超级细菌引起的败血症再次入院,但医生使用的“抗生素武器库”(arsenal of antibiotics)并无一种起效(none worked)。这让她深刻意识到抗生素之路的局限性。在实验中,受感染的动物生存率相差非常大,但这种差异却与它们体内的病原体或致病微生物数量完全不相关。传统的关于免疫系统工作原理的想法明显是低效的(inefficient)。相反,生物学家越来越意识到人体的耐受性才是长期被忽略的关键点(the key that remains long overlooked)。
Inducing tolerance in a patient “is perhaps the missing but essential element to add to the current components of sepsis care and treatment,” three experts on sepsis—the bloodstream infection that killed Ayres’s father—wrote in a medical journal editorial last year.
1.Induce 引诱;催生
2.Tolerance 耐受性;包容
3.Essential 必要的
4.Component 成分;组成
5.Sepsis 败血症
6.Bloodstream infection 血液感染
7. Editorial 社论
three experts on sepsis wrote in a medical journal editorial last year.
1.—the bloodstream infection that killed Ayres’s father— 同位语+定语从句
2. Inducing tolerance in a patient “is perhaps the missing but essential element to add to the current components of sepsis care and treatment, 宾语从句(说话内容)
While the company recently faced harsh criticism for failing to remove videos of Robert dwin being killed in the US and of a father killing his child in Thailand, the platform has also played an important role in disseminating videos of police killings and other vernment abuses.