Neither the environmental protection authorities, who are supposed to take care of industrial noise, nor the police that should play a role in curbing traffic noise do their job properly.
And public complaints about urban noise pollution often fall on deaf ears.
Building roadside shields should be a viable solution to traffic noise pollution. But they are poorly built even absent in many cities due to the lack of cooperation among departments. The noise pollution policies need to have more teeth to effectively tackle the problem.
Neither the environmental protection authorities, who are supposed to take care of industrial noise, nor the police that should play a role in curbing traffic noise do their job properly.
结构:Neither A nor B do their job properly.
And public complaints about urban noise pollution often fall on deaf ears.
Building roadside shields should be a viable solution to traffic noise pollution.
But they are poorly built even absent in many cities due to the lack of cooperation among departments. The noise pollution policies need to have more teeth to effectively tackle the problem.
结构:Sth need to have more teeth: sth需要更有效力去…
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