Theresa May knew from the moment she became prime minister last month that Brexit would be her biggest test. Nobody has ever before tried to disentangle a large and sophisticated economy like Britain’s from as intricate and regulated a body as the European Union, after it has been a member for 43 years. Before the June referendum, David Cameron’s vernment noted that Brexit would be the start, not the end, of a process and warned that it could last up to a decade.
Theresa May knew from the moment she became prime minister last month that Brexit would be her biggest test.
Nobody has ever before tried to disentangle a large and sophisticated economy like Britain’s from as intricate and regulated a body as the European Union, after it has been a member for 43 years.
Before the June referendum, David Cameron’s vernment noted that Brexit would be the start, not the end, of a process and warned that it could last up to a decade.
在6月的全民公投前, 大卫•卡梅伦政府提到退欧将是一个进程的开始,而不是结束,并警告说这个进程可能会持续十多年。
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