原文:AI engineering to analysis of images, video and text--facial recognition, language translation and detection of unwanted content or harmful comments.
选项:It has stepped up efforts in using AI to analyze harmful comments.
原文:They have built robots that can recognize the error of a machine panel by a fraction of a millimeter in a controlled factory environment.
最佳选项:Besides reducing human labor, robots can also deal with some errors with human intervention
严格讲Recognize≠deal with 识别和处理 不能相等吧,但是最佳选项就是这样写的。
再看看我的出题:analysis≠detection 发现和分析 是不是一个路数!
今天的句子是福布斯杂志的文章,可以点击阅读原文浏览。全球第一网红卡戴珊家族的小女儿97年出生的Kylie Jenner二十岁当妈,并且在不到三年内赚到9亿美金,成功登上人生巅峰。她的商业模式其实非常简单,发布美妆视频,分享化妆产品,吸引粉丝购买。其个人美妆品牌Kylie Cosmetics。自两年前Kylie Cosmetics推出一款29美元的唇膏套装试水美妆后,该品牌至今已售出超过6.3亿美元的化妆品,其中去年销售额约为3.3亿美元。几亿美元的美妆生意,背后只有7个全职员工和5个兼职员工。但由于出生于话题之王卡戴珊家族,她的流量起点就完爆草根知识网红KK,一条Instagram就报价100万美金,反观KK还要可怜巴巴的每天自己说,拜托拜托点点点!!!关键,还只是点赞,也没收益,别人还不搭理。(大家可能会想都是97,98,99的差别就这么大呢?你看看我,你就平衡了。)加上卡戴珊六岁开始化妆的“资历”,她的经验之谈确实能吸引大量目标人群—年轻女生。当然她的商业模式也有创新之处,她产品的售卖和运营都交给运营商Shopify,后者承担其产品的所有发售、售后和物流服务。支付每年48万美元的服务费,外加0.15%的销售分成。值得关注的是,Shopify有处理明星电商时常出现的高峰流量的经验,它同时还运营Drake、Justin Bieber等人的电商。
Basically, all Jenner does to make all that money is leverage her social media following. Almost hourly, she takes to Instagram and Snapchat, pouting for selfies with captions about which Kylie Cosmetics shades she’s wearing, takes videos of forthcoming products and announces new launches.
Jenner earns money by selling selfies and shades to her fans on the Instagram.
1. Basically 主要地;基本上
2. Leverage 利用
3. Pout撅嘴 selfies 自拍
4. Caption 说明;字幕
5. Forthcoming 即将到来的
6. Launch产品发布
Basically, all Jenner does to make all that money is leverage her social media following.
1. Basically,
2. all Jenner does…is leverage her social media following.
3. to make all that money
Almost hourly, she takes to Instagram and Snapchat, pouting for selfies with captions about which Kylie Cosmetics shades she’s wearing, takes videos of forthcoming products and announces new launches.
1. Almost hourly,
2. she takes to Instagram and Snapchat,
3. pouting for selfies with captions
4. about which Kylie Cosmetics shades she’s wearing,
5. takes videos of forthcoming products
6. and announces new launches.
参考译文:她几乎每小时都会上Instagram和Snapchat,要么撅嘴自拍并加个标题写自己用的是什么凯莉化妆品色调, 要么拍摄产品视频,宣布新品发布。
Jenner earns money by selling selfies and shades to her fans on the Instagram.
Jennifer 卖化妆品但是不卖自拍。所以是不对的!
If I had to single out a particular bias as the most pervasive and damaging, it would probably be confirmation bias. That’s the effect that leads us to look for evidence confirming what we already think or suspect, to view facts and ideas we encounter as further confirmation, and to discount or ignore any piece of evidence that seems to support an alternate view. Confirmation bias shows up most blatantly in our current political divide, where each side seems unable to allow that the other side is right about anything. Confirmation bias plays out in lots of other circumstances, sometimes with terrible consequences.
“Confirmation bias” was singled out by the author because __.
A. it leads us to ignore opposing views
B. it shows up conspicuously in politics
C. it is bad for reaching logical decisions
D. it is the most widespread and harmful