France’s financial prosecutor has announced that an investigation into fake work allegations surrounding the presidential candidate François Fillon will remain open, in a new blow to the ex-prime minister’s campaign.
主干识别:France’s financial prosecutor has announced that
切分成分:an investigation will remain open 宾语从句主干
into fake work allegations surrounding the presidential candidate François Fillon 定语
in a new blow to the ex-prime minister’s campaign 状语
法国总统大选实行两轮选举制(two-round system, 也叫the second ballot或runoff voting),在第一轮如果全民公投未有候选人得到绝对多数(absolute majority),那么在第一轮得票数前两位的获选人进入第二轮投票,获胜者即赢得法国总统(If no candidate receives absolute majority, all but the two candidates receiving the most votes are eliminated, and a second round of voting is held.)。
法国下次总统大选将呈现三足鼎立的局面,即独立候选人前经济部长马克龙(Emmanuel Macron, who launched a social-liberal bid)、被称为法国川普的极右翼政党国民阵线主席玛丽娜•勒庞(leader of far-right National Front Party, Marine Le Pen)以及中右翼阵营共和党候选人、前总理菲永(former Prime Minister, François Fillon)。本来的最热门人选(Front runner)前总理菲永因为妻子被质疑领取约50万欧元的空饷(fake work allegation)而深陷丑闻,民意支持率一路跳水。因此民调机构认为年轻帅气的马克龙将取代菲永,在选举第二轮投票中与勒庞对决,并最终胜出。但是美国大选的结果告诉我们,民调机构的预测可能非常不靠谱(widely off mark),极右翼从边缘(fringe movement)登上政治最高峰也未可知。
In a recent interview with Quartz, Gates said that a robot tax could finance jobs taking care of elderly people or working with kids in schools, for which needs are unmet and to which humans are particularly well suited.
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