不管是IT从业者还是每天都使用电脑但基本属于PC小白的白领都有个共同的特征:对于电脑特别不耐烦(we are an impatient bunch)——文件打开太慢、高清照片(High-res photographs)好几秒种还不显示、程序引导时间太久(boot time that takes forever)等等。一句话,我们想让电脑运行起任务(respond to our ways way faster)来比我们看完这个句子的时间还短。近日因特尔发布了黑科技Optane Memory,官方译名为傲腾内存(之前的译名是闪存),是傲腾非易失性存储技术(NVMe, Non-Volatile Memory Express)的第二种产品形态——缓存加速盘。据称这种技术可以让电脑运行速度飞快(bump up the PC),就和“磕了药”一样(PC on steroids)。具体来说,用户系统启动速度(power on computer)快两倍,整体系统性能(overall system performance)最高可提升28%,内存性能(storage performance)最高要提升14倍,游戏启动速度提升67%,就连启动速度龟速的微软应用软件也能提高近6倍(四个字:神速开机)。但目前傲腾内存技术仅支持配备英特尔全新的200系主板和第七代酷睿处理器的台式机(a desktop-only solution out of the gate),暂不支持手提电脑(not work with laptops)。
In simple terms, Optane learns your computing behavior and helps accelerate frequent tasks by intelligently identifying the files and data you summon most often and storing them in the Optane module where they're easily accessible.
1.Accelerate 加速
2.Frequent 时常发生的
3.Intelligent 智能的
4.Identify 识别
5.Module 模块
6.Accessible 可访问的;易于接近的
确定主干:Optane learns your computing behavior and helps accelerate frequent tasks
切分成分:by intelligently identifying the files and data you summon most often and storing them in the Optane module where they're easily accessible.状语
On Tuesday, the Republican-led House voted 215-205 to repeal rules adopted last year by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under the Obama administration that required internet service providers to obtain consumer consent before using their data for advertising or marketing purposes.