英国议会下议院19日举行投票,以572对13票的压倒性多数(overwhelming majority)通过了提前举行大选的动议。根据相关议会规则,下院获得三分之二的支持票后,无需再经上院批准。这意味着2017年大选已经板上钉钉,将于6月8日举行。卫报社论指出,这个结果有两方面的原因,其一在最近民意调查(polling)中获得30年来最高水平支持率(high supporting rate)的保守党有意通过大选扩大优势。特雷莎•梅亦可由此巩固在党内的地位(cement her position),创造“无障碍执政”的有利条件,以有效推进包括硬脱欧在内的关键议程。另一方面,嘴硬脸皮薄的工党不承认自己处于劣势,坚持6月8日凯旋而归的不可能是保守党(a Tory victory is improbable),因此也让梅的动议轻而易举地被“放行”。
On the one hand, the chamber was crowded with a hugely confident Conservative party, close to overbearingly so at times, seeking a mandate that Theresa May will be tempted to treat as conferring unfettered authority.
1.Crowded with 挤满
2.Conservative party 保守党
3.Overbearingly 傲慢地
4.Mandate 授权
5.Confer 赋予
6.Unfettered 不受束缚的
7.Authority 权威
8.So at times = sometimes
9.Be tempted to do sth: 很可能…忍不住…禁不住…
确定主干:the chamber was crowded with a hugely confident Conservative party
1.close to overbearingly so at times
2. seeking a mandate
= Conservative party seeks a mandate
3. that Theresa May will be tempted to treat as conferring unfettered authority
(That= mandate)
= Theresa May will be tempted to treat the mandate as conferring unfettered authority
Fear, awareness and a demand for transparency are driving the burgeoning green beauty movement, as is a desire for a healthier lifestyle, translating farm-to-table to farm-to-face.