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来源:武汉文都考研 更新时间:2020-04-29 18:08:25




  Directions: This part consists of two sections. In the following two sections you are supposed to translate 30 expressions, abbreviations or proper names, either from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English.

  Section A English to Chinese (15 points)

  1) ASEAN

  2) hitch ride

  3) (UK) Chancellor of the Exchequer

  4) e-sports tournament

  5) digital strip searches

  6) Office of the US Trade Representative

  7) lunar exploration program

  8) tax declaration

  9) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

  10) White House Correspondents Association

  11) pseudo base station

  12) applets

  13) wearable devices

  14) zombie policy

  15) seagoing airbase

  Section B Chinese to English (15 points)

  1) 家庭收支

  2) 收视率造假

  3) 刷脸

  4) 紧急着陆

  5) 医闹

  6) 积分落户

  7) 个人所得税

  8) 信息泄露

  9) 文创产品

  10) 国产品牌

  11) 武侠小说

  12) 信用信息管理制度

  13) 以规则为基础加强全球治理

  14) 优化营商环境

  15) 严厉打击滥用知识产权的企业

  Part Two Passage Translation(120 points)

  Directions: This part consists of two sections. In the following two sections you are supposed to translate one English passage into Chinese and one Chinese passage into English.

  Section A English to Chinese (60 points)

  I hate jogging. It' s so tedious. Some claim jogging is thought conducive, others insist the scenery relieves the monotony. For me, the pace is wrong for contemplation of either ideas or vistas. While jogging, all I can think about is jogging—or nothing.

  From the listless looks of some fellow trotters, I gather I am not alone in my unenthusiasm. Nonetheless, we continue to jog; more, we continue to choose to jog. From a practically infinite array of opportunities, we select one that we don' t enjoy and can' t wait to have done with. Why?



