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来源:武汉文都考研 更新时间:2020-10-31 21:27:50




  本试卷由A, B两部分构成;选择题的答案,请考生在答题册上先标明大题,然后再按小题顺序写出小题的阿拉伯数字及相应的最佳答案字母代号。所有题目均须用英语答卷。共七大题,93个小题,小题连续编号。誊写答案时,请按下列格式:

  Part A Comprehensive English

  I. Vocabulary.

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9 . 10.


  II. Structure.

  26. 27. 28. 29. 30 ……

  III. Sentence paraphrase.


  IV. Reading comprehension.

  46. 47. 48. 49. 50 ……

  Part B Linguistics

  V. General linguistics knowledge.

  66. 67. 68. 69. 70 ……

  VI. Explain the terms.


  87. ……

  VII. Answer the questions.




  Part A: Comprehensive English

  I. Vocabulary. (25X1’=25 points)

  Directions: In each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.

  1. When a person dies, his debts must be paid before his _____ can be distributed.

  A. paradoxes B. legacies C. platitudes D. analogies

  2. In assessing the impact of the loss of a parent through death and divorce it was the distortion of family relationships not the _____ of the bond with the parent in divorce that was vital.

  A. disposition B. distinction C. distribution D. disruption

  3. Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food,_____ their cleanness, toughness and low cost.

  A. by virtue of B. in addition to C. for the sake of D. as opposed to

  4. For nearly 50 years, Speck has been a ____ author, writing 13 books including an autobiography and numerous magazine articles.

  A. prevalent B. precautious C. prospective D. prolific

  5. The business was forced to close down for a period but was ____ revived.

  A. successively B. subsequently C. predominantly D. preliminarily

  6. The poor quality of sound of the film mined the ____ perfect product.

  A. rather B. much C. otherwise D. particularly

  7. They reached a (n) ____ to keep their dispute out of the mass media.

  A. understanding B. acknowledgement C. concession D. surrender

  8. The term “New Australians” came into vogue in the 50s and 60s, which implied that the goal of immigration was assimilation and that migrants would place their new-found Australian identity ahead of the ____ context from which they had come.

  A. athletic B. ethic C. aesthetic D. ethnic

  9. She was ____ by the lack of appreciation shown of her hard work.

  A. frustrated B. dispersed C. functioned D. displaced

  10. As the society has rigid social____ , everyone knows his role in the society.

  A. hemisphere B. contempt C. controversy D. hierarchy

  11. It turned out that he had ____ the whole story just to cheat his friends.

  dissipated B. diverged C. detached D. fabricated



