To help people betterunderstand the focus of the APEC Beijing meeting, Xinhua News Agency hasprepared a list of 26 key words that define the gathering of the leaders ofAsia-Pacific economies.
Born in 1989, theAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation connects both sides of the Pacific Ocean,linking emerging economies with developed economies. APEC has made thegeographical concept of “Asia-Pacific” into an economic cooperation group that accounts for half of theworld's economy. It currently demonstrates the biggest growth vigor and potential.
Bogor Goals|茂物目标
APEC members announcedthe Bogor Goals in 1994, proposing the goal of forming a “big family” of APECmembers. They promised to achieve free and open trade and investment in theAsia-Pacific region no later than 2020. As it is the 20th anniversary of theBogor Goals, people expect the APEC Beijing meeting to provide a clearer pathfor regional economic integration.
The APEC Beijingmeeting will discuss ways to strengthen comprehensive infrastructureconstruction that can improve regional connections. APEC members are activelydiscussing an APEC connectivity blueprint that involves the connection ofinfrastructure, rules and people.
Dialogues play animportant role at the Beijing APEC meeting. On Nov. 8, Chinese President XiJinping chaired and addressed a dialogue on strengthening connectivitypartnership. On Nov. 10, Xi will chair the APEC Business Advisory CouncilDialogue with Leaders and answer questions at the meeting.
The 21 APEC economiesmake up 40 percent of global population, 57 percent of the world's GDP, and 46percent of the global trade.
Promoting regionaleconomic integration is a major topic of the APEC Beijing meeting. The meetingis expected to make new progress in starting building the Free Trade Area ofthe Asia-Pacific (FTAAP)。
All APEC economiesneed to drive growth through innovation and reforms. Growth is one of maintopics of the APEC Beijing meeting. APEC members will discuss key fields suchas economic reforms, innovation and urbanization. They will explore newmomentum for regional growth.
China is the host ofthe annual APEC meeting for a second time in 13 years after the 2001 APECShanghai meeting. China hopes the Beijing meeting will deepen Asia-Pacificeconomic cooperation and shape the region's future through closer partnership.
In promoting theFTAAP, China hopes APEC can guide and coordinate regional economic integration.China also hopes APEC can chart a roadmap for the FTAAP.
Chinese foreignminister and commerce minister met with their Japanese counterparts at the APECBeijing meeting. China also calls on the Japanese side to create an “enabling environment” for thecontact of the leaders of the two countries.
Key Meetings|重要会议
The meetings held inBeijing between Nov. 5 and Nov. 11 are the key for this year's APEC activities.The meetings include minister-level meetings, leaders' informal meetings, adialogue on strengthening connectivity partnership, APEC CEO Summit, and APECBusiness Advisory Council Dialogue with Leaders.
The leaders andrepresentatives of the APEC member economies will get together in Beijing toattend the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting and to carry out intensive bilateraland multilateral diplomatic activities.Chinese President Xi Jinping will have agroup photo taken with the leaders and representatives attending the APECmeeting. Xi will also take part in a tree planting activity that symbolizes thejoint growth, development and progress of the Asia-Pacific.
The APEC Beijingmeeting will be adorned by products made in China, such as clothes, food andcars. For example, Hongqi limousine H7, the first domestic made high-end car,has been designated the official vehicle during the APEC meeting.
APEC serves as anegotiation platform following a non-binding principle. APEC not only heraldsthe regional trade liberalization but also drives WTO to break new grounds.
At the invitation ofChinese President Xi Jinping, U.S. President Barack Obama will pay a statevisit to China and attend the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting from Nov. 10to 12.
This year's APECmeeting is under the theme “Shaping theFuture Through Asia-Pacific Partnership,” underlining the aspiration that inclusive partnerships may be thegreatest common ground APEC members can find.Analysts said the meeting willhelp pave the way for APEC members to bring relationships away from a zero-sumrelation so that they can focus on promoting sustainable development.
The U.S. FederalReserve has decided to end its quantitative easing (QE) stimulus while Japan'scentral bank unleashed an expansion of its already massive monetary easingprogram. The European Central Bank has also signaled plans to introduce QE tocounter deflation and boost growth. How will APEC members brace for thepossibly volatile capital flows ahead?
A new model forrelations between major countries, including bilateral and multilateralrelations. The APEC meeting is an important scene on the global diplomaticstage.
Leaders' spouses willalso attend the APEC meeting. Although details of their activities have notbeen released, the spouses are certain to get public attention.
All APEC members needto transform growth methods, adjust structures, stabilize economy and promotereforms. During the Beijing meeting, members will conduct in-depth discussionon an array of issues such as economic reform, innovative growth andurbanization. The members will also deepen cooperation on frontier areas suchas Internet and marine industries.
China advocatescooperation of urbanization at APEC. Urbanization will be an important enginedriving the future prosperity of Asia-Pacific.
Value Chain|价值链
About 10 to 15countries are involved in making a mobile phone. The formation of global valuechain is an important sign that trade and industrial cooperation among membereconomies has reached a new height. The global value chain also provides newmomentum for in-depth development of free trade and investment.
World Attention|世界瞩目
More than 4,000journalists have gathered in Beijing to cover the APEC meeting. The worldexpects the meeting to achieve tangible progress in advancing regional economicintegration. The world also hopes the Asia-Pacific region to continue drivingthe global economic recovery. China is expected to make new contributions toreviving the Asia-Pacific region.
Xi Jinping|习近平
Chinese President XiJinping will chair and participate in a series of important meetings, includingaddressing the APEC CEO Summit, chairing the APEC Business Advisory CouncilDialogue with Leaders and chairing the Economic Leaders' Meeting.
Yanqi Lake|雁栖湖
The APEC EconomicLeaders' Meeting will be held near Yanqi Lake, 50 kilometers north of Beijing'sdowntown area. On the Yanqi Island, a conference center, hotel, exhibition centerand VIP villas all use green technologies. Altogether 3,000 bird nests havebeen built for bird migrations.
Zero Tariff|零关税
One day there may beno tariff between APEC economies with the development of the free trade areaand regional connectivity. If that comes true, people may pay the same amountof money to buy an iPhone in Shanghai as they do in California.