Cicero once said that "Nature has planted in our minds an insatiable desire to see the truth." These days itwould be truer to talk of an insatiable desire to check our e-mail and Twitter accounts,and to play a few games of Candy Crush Saga(as a British parliamentarianwas recently caught doing during a committee meeting). Thistime it is not nature but man that has done the planting. Internet entrepreneursdevote a lot of thought to getting people hooked on their products.
2. parliamentarian议员
3. gettingpeople hooked (这就是很新的一个用法,hook这个词在这里是引诱人的意思)
4. entrepreneurs企业家
5. has planted( in our minds)状语 an insatiable desire (宾语)
西塞罗(CICERO) 曾经说过:“自然在我们心中种下了探究真理的渴望,难以自拔。”
It never rains but it pours.)
http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=520361118831&spm=a310v.4.88.1 (十天销售量已经过5千)