美夫妇奇葩纪念日传统 1955年的婚礼蛋糕一吃60年
Couple Married for 60 Years Celebrate Every Anniversary by Eating a Piece of Their Original Wedding Cake
For the past 60 years, this Florida couple have been celebrating their anniversary by eating a piece out of their wedding cake – not a replica, the original one!
Ann and Ken Fredericks were married on 19 August, 1955 and Ann’s grandmother had baked a three-layer fruitcake for the occasion. The top layer of that cake, baked six decades a, still exists in a metal Maxwell Coffee House can. “Every year, we unwrap it, pour brandy over it – because you need to moisten it – and we break off a piece,” Ann said.
安(Ann)和肯•弗雷德里克斯(Ken Fredericks)于1955年8月19日结为连理,当年安的奶奶为了庆祝这一喜事亲自烤了三层的水果蛋糕。这款蛋糕最上面那层现在已经60多“高龄”,但仍然保存在一个麦斯威尔金属咖啡罐里。安说:“每年,我们都打开包装,在蛋糕上面倒满白兰地(因为你得把蛋糕润湿一点),然后掰下来一小块。”
“Everybody just looks at us with amazed looks when they hear about it,” she added. “Our children are appalled that we would be eating something that’s 60 years old. But believe me, it’s quite tasty, as long as it’s t enough brandy on it. And it’s never made us sick.”
Back in the ’50s, it was rather fashionable to have a fruitcake as a wedding cake. Ann’s grandmother used the fruit that Ann’s grandfather brought home from the docks in New York to bake a three-layer dark fruitcake for the wedding. It was baked a couple of months in advance, so it would have enough time to age and settle. A local bakery even covered it with a hard shell, to stop the fruit from bleeding through. A layer of buttercream frosting was added on the day of the wedding.
“When you looked at it, it looked like a three-layer white wedding cake,” Ann recalled. After the wedding, the couple saved whatever was left of the cake, and have savoured it every year since.
Ann and Ken met as students at Syracuse University, and they lived in New York during the first few years of their marriage. But in 1968, they decided to follow Ken’s parents to Florida. “Even though we were both from the Northeast, neither one of us liked the cold,” Ann said. “So after those two visits to the in-laws, we said we were ing to move to Florida. And we never regretted it.”
安和肯在雪城大学(Syracuse University)读书时相识,他们婚后前几年都在纽约生活。但在1968年,他们决定跟肯的父母一样到佛罗里达生活。安说:“我们两个虽然来自美国东北部地区,但都不喜欢寒冷的气候。所以我们在拜访了两次公婆后便决定搬去佛罗里达,对此我们从未后悔过。”
Ken, now 85, worked as a music teacher before he retired, while Ann, 81, was a nurse for 27 years. They’ve lived in their Satellite Beach home since 1971. Because their diamond anniversary happened to be on a weekday, they celebrated it with family and friends over the weekend. They were joined by their daughter Jean, and sons Ken Jr. and David. Nine of their grandchildren and two of Ann’s bridesmaids attended the celebrations as well.
肯今年85岁,退休前一直是一位音乐教师,安今年81岁,之前当了27年护士。他们从1971年开始就一直住在卫星海滩(Satellite Beach)的家里。因为他们的钻石婚纪念日恰好是工作日,所以他们就选在周末跟亲友一起庆祝。当时他们的女儿简(Jean)、儿子小肯(Ken Jr.)和大卫(David)、九个孙子还有当年安的两位伴娘也都来一同庆祝。
The couple like teasing their children about it. Over the years, their kids and grandkids have always refused to take a bite of the ageing cake. “They won’t taste it,” Ken said.
“And we tell them, it tastes fine,” said Ann. “They always say, ‘Oh, there’s not that much. You two keep it for yourself.’ I don’t know, we may have to be buried with it.”