今天经济学人的封面文章是关于唐纳德·特朗普,2016大选共和党的总统候选人之一。曾经是美国最具知名度的房地产商之一,人称“地产之王”。并且创建“特朗普梭运航空”,也是新泽西州“将军”职业足球队老板。兴建数幢华厦与别墅,还购买价值一亿美元的豪华游艇。我非常喜欢的酒店:Grand Hyatt:(凯悦酒店)(Park Ave at Grand Central, New York City, NY (26层楼的饭店,在中央车站旁,也是特朗普经手的第一个主要计划)。美国非常有名的真人秀节目“飞黄腾达”的制片人。国内的那些个创业节目,什么赢在中国啊等乱七八糟的都是跟他学的。确实是个传奇人物。而且这次在《狄蒙纪录报》上周六晚上公布的最新调查中,喜欢特朗普的人数比例突然飙升至61%,不喜欢他的比例下降至35%。
When Mr Trump first announced that he was running for president, he was dismissed as a joke.
Americans are waking up to the possibility that a man whose hobby is naming things after himself might—conceivably—be the nominee of the party of Lincoln and Reagan.
On one domestic issue, to be fair, he has staked out a clear, bold position
He would deport all 11m immigrants currently thought to be in America illegally.
He would also round up and expel their children who were born on American soil and are therefore American citizens.
That this would be illegal does not bother him.
His approach to foreign affairs is equally crude.
Republicans should listen carefully to Mr Trump, and vote for someone else.