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2016考研英语经济学人热点:Justices on thest

来源:武汉文都 更新时间:2019-08-06 16:28:02
  2016考研英语经济学人热点:Justices on the stage
  Why Americans are increasingly fascinated by their highest court
  NEAR the start of “TheOriginalist”, a new play about Justice Antonin Scaliaof the Supreme Court, the judge is shown boasting that he could beat anyliberal at poker, not least President Barack Obama. In card games as in life,left-wingers “lack ruthlessness when the stakes arehigh”, the actor playing Mr Scalia explains to Cat, aleft-leaning young woman he has just hired for the nerve-racking post of hislaw clerk (a prestigious job reserved for clever high-flyers)
  担任斯卡利亚的法官助手虽然让人钦羡,但却教你的精神零敲碎受,故非有能大志者所能承受的起。 凯瑟琳是他新雇佣的助手同时也是一位年轻的左翼自由派。在剧中,这位“斯卡利亚”向凯瑟琳解释了他游戏中战无不胜的原因,他说“赌注一旦开高,左派人就统统变得优柔寡断了”。游戏中如此,现实中亦是如此。
  There is a lot of bombast in the play, which opens in Washington on March 6th.The fictional Mr Scalia—in real life the outspoken,caustic 78-year-old leader of the court’s conservativewing—prowls round his chambers, fists balled like aprizefighter, sparring with Cat about his views on gay marriage (bad), abortion(worse) and the death penalty (a fitting punishment for wickedness). In eachcase he is a swaggering, doubt-free spokesman for “originalism”. According to that doctrine, the constitution keeps the meaning ithad when it was first adopted. Originalists hate it when modern judges treatits text as a “living”document, guaranteeing a panoply of rights that changes with the times.
  In final rehearsals at Arena Stage, a large drama centre specialising in newworks, Edward Gero, the actor playing Mr Scalia, is to be seen flatly tellinghis law clerk that Americans will “never” seriously restrict gun ownership, not least because of their deepdistrust of the federal vernment and its own arsenals of weaponry. Momentsearlier Cat (played by Kerry Warren) has told him of a family connection to ashooting massacre that left her a passionate believer in gun control. Her bossis unyielding. The constitution clearly guarantees a right to bear arms, hegrowls, and “passion is no match for the text.”
  In short, there is much to provoke theatreers in a capital city whereDemocratic voters (and federal bureaucrats) greatly outnumber fire-breathingconservatives. Yet in the Washington of 2015, staging a play about Mr Scaliamakes perfect sense. Indeed, “The Originalist” will be followed this July by the premiere of “Scalia/Ginsburg”, a comic opera about theconservative judge and his deep-if-improbable friendship with Justice RuthBader Ginsburg, the 81-year-old leader of the court’sliberal wing. The two justices, both opera buffs, praised extracts from thework after they were performed in a recital at the court. Drawing freely on theplots of “Don Giovanni”, “The Magic Flute” and other classics, theopera shows them imprisoned by a talking statue and forced to work together onthree tests to gain their freedom.
  There are several reasons why it makes sense to put a judge like Mr Scalia onstage. For one thing, the Supreme Court often finds itself pondering knottyproblems which other countries ask parliaments to resolve. In just the next fewmonths the court’s nine justices could issue rulingsthat preserve or dismantle a big plank of the Obamacare health law and make gaymarriage legal in all 50 states.
  For another thing, in the space of a generation or two, originalism has movedfrom the fringes of legal scholarship to being a mainstream conservativebelief. Pugnacious, eloquent Mr Scalia can take much of the credit for that. Hedoes not win all his fights—indeed, when the courtfinds that the constitution protects the right of gays to marry, as seemslikely, it will be a clear defeat for originalists. But even when he loses, MrScalia’s blistering written dissents are headline news.In 2013 he accused his fellow justices of plotting a “black-robedsupremacy” when they struck down a law passed byCongress in the 1990s that attempted to grant primacy to heterosexual marriage.In other dissents he has accused his unelected colleagues of “tsarist arrogance” and “preposterous” reasoning. Derrick Wang, thecomposer of “Scalia/Ginsburg”,was studying Scalia opinions at law school when he decided that the stormy,raging words before him deserved to be an operatic aria. John Strand, theWashington-based author of “The Originalist”, declares Mr Scalia a natural showman. Both justices have sizeablestudent followings on college campuses and in law schools; the best knownGinsburg fan blog is called “Notorious RBG”, in a play on the name of the late rapper, “The Notorious BIG”.
  The odd couple
  But something else explains the flurry of interest in them, and it is linked todisgust with contemporary politics. Too often, folk on right and left refuse toconcede that some problems are hard, so that reasonable people disagree abouthow to solve them. Partisans even refuse to admit that they are partisans, withbiases and preferences born of character, upbringing and experience. Instead,politicians pose as objective seekers after truth, the better to portray theiropponents as fools, knaves or dupes (or all three), whose facts cannot betrusted and whose motives are suspect.
  The Supreme Court may have clear conservative and liberal camps. Its justicesattack one another in ferocious written opinions. But even such polar oppositesas Justices Scalia and Ginsburg do not think that the other is stupid. Insteadthey acknowledge that they simply see the world differently. “What’s not to like—excepther views on the law?” Mr Scalia asked at a recentjoint appearance.
  In real life Mr Scalia has hired several liberal law clerks over the years.Researching “The Originalist”,Mr Strand interviewed ex-clerks who disagreed with almost every judgment madeby the conservative justice, yet called him witty, erudite and affable. “One liberal clerk said, he’s the best bosshe will ever have,” says Mr Strand. His play presentsthe old justice as a gruff but ultimately kindly mentor. It does not show Catconverting Mr Scalia: it is a work of fiction, not an outright fantasy. But itdoes show two clever people listening to each other, even as they argue. Intoday’s Washington, too often filled with dialogues ofthe deaf, that makes it a timely, almost revolutionary work.
