Doctors have long quietly eased terminal anies by increasing pain relief to life-shortening doses. Under the doctrine of double effect, as long as the intention was to relieve suffering rather than hasten death, no crime was committed. What the doctor really intended was hard for anyone else to know, let alone prove.
But more deaths now happen in intensive-care units under closer legal and professional oversight, making doctors more cautious about testing the limits of what is allowed. And modern medicine means that dying is much more often prolonged. The case of Karen Ann Quinlan in 1976 thrust the issues into the spotlight. The parents of the young woman, who fell into a coma after drinking and taking Valium at a party, had to to court to force her doctors to take her off a ventilator.
The case of kaern Ann Quinlan is mentioned to show that____
(A) doctors have long quietly eased terminal anies by increasing pain relief.
(B) the parents have the rights to demand ceasing of the dramatic treatment.
(C) the case has thrust the issue into the focus for its publicity.
(D) the dying period is unnecessaily prolonged by the modern therapy.