The Uber conundrum
Why more Britons are working for themselves
IT WAS supposed to be a blip. When theglobal financial crisis swept over Britain in 2008, the number of self-employedworkers jumped. Many economists concluded that one explained the other: aspeople were made redundant and then struggled to find a new job, the argumentwent, they had little choice but to it alone. But this interpretation makesrecent data puzzling. Britain has been out of recession for six years andunemployment has fallen to 5.4%. Yet the number of self-employed workers isstill 700,000 higher than in 2008. No other member of the G7 has behaved inquite the same way (see chart).
自主就业潮本该只是昙花一现。当2008年全球经融危机席卷整个英国时,英国个体创业者数量增长。很多经济学家得出一种解释:当同一时间太多人同时都在找工作就会出现问题,他们很难找到工作,所以只好单干。但是这种说法不能解释最近的数据。英国已经摆脱萧条6年之久,失业率也降至5.4%。但至今自雇人士数量还是比2008年多了70 万。其他G7成员国并没有表现出这样的就业形势。
The rise of the “gig economy” is onereason. Platforms like Uber, a taxi-hailing app, and PeoplePerHour, a websitewhere freelancers hawk their professional skills, liberate people from theiremployers’ clutches. Britons are especially suited to this brave new world.They are digital devotees, with one of the highest rates of mobile-phonesubscriptions in the rich world (at 124 per 100 people). And with comparativelystrong economic growth in recent years, the country is a tempting place fortech firms to start up. The number of “private hire” vehicles in London, acatery that includes Uber taxis, has risen by 26% in the past two years.
Yet the gig economy cannot be the onlyexplanation for the growth in self-employment—after all, back in 2008 no oneused a smartphone app to hire a cleaner or a cab. Demography may be moreimportant. In 2008-15 the labour-force participation rate of women aged 16-59increased from 74% to 76%, a rise of about 600,000. With the femaleparticipation rate already high by international standards, those womenentering the workforce from 2008 onwards were likely to be those who had foundit particularly difficult to work as employees (say, because of familycommitments). They may have preferred the flexibility of self-employment,suggests a paper from the Bank of England. About half of the extra jobs takenup by women in 2008-15 were self-employed ones, in industries like social care.During this period the female self-employment rate rose from 8% to 10%.
Another demographic factor plays a part.Older workers, who have the most experience, as well as savings to fall backon, are more likely to be lone rangers than the young. The financial crisis hitjust as there was a jump in the number of people over the age of 65; havingheld steady at about 16% of the population for two decades, after 2008 itstarted to rise sharply and now sits at 18%. As baby-boomers moved intoretirement, many wanted a change of pace. Half of the increase inself-employment between 2004 and 2014 was linked to the ageing of theworkforce, according to the Bank of England paper.
But there is a wrinkle. The proportion ofover-65s who are self-employed has sharply risen too. This may be down toworries about financial security in retirement, says Laura Gardiner of theResolution Foundation, a think-tank. In recent years British pension funds haveseen measly investment returns, thanks in part to rock-bottom interest rates.Britain has one of the lowest “replacement rates” in the OECD, a club of mostlyrich countries; on average its pensions replace only 40% of pre-retirementearnings. In a survey by Saga, which sells services to the elderly, one in sixover-50s said they had been forced to put off retirement indefinitely.
这里还有一个转变。65岁以上的自雇人士所占比例也急剧上升。决议基金会智囊团的劳拉·加德纳(Laura Gardiner)说,这是由于人们担心退休后的金融安全问题引起的。近年来,英国退休年金基金的回报少得可怜,这部分可以归责于英国银行最低利息率。英国在最富裕国家的游乐场——欧洲经济合作组织中“替代率”是最低的;平均的退休年金只是他们退休前收入的40%。向中老年人出售服务的机构Saga做过调查,有六分之一的50岁以上的人表示他们的退休时期被迫延长。
All this means that even if the state ofthe labour market continues to improve, self-employment is unlikely to fallback to pre-recession levels. This worries some economists. Youngerself-employed people tend not to put enough away for the future (only one-thirdof the self-employed have any kind of pension, for instance, compared withone-half of employees). And since they also tend to be far less productive, payis lower. The last thing the economy needs is a swelling army of badly paidworkers. But self-employment has its od sides: for instance, job satisfactiontends to be higher. And if a big chunk of Britain’s self-employed wouldotherwise not be working at all, as seems to be the case, the country’s growingfreelance habit may be no bad thing.