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来源:武汉文都 更新时间:2019-08-06 16:28:02

  philharmonic /9fIlB:5mCnIk/ n [C] 爱乐乐团: the Berlin Philharmonic 柏林爱乐乐团(S1)
  be the talk of sth (informal) 成为大家的谈资; 为人们所津津乐道: His collection is the talk of the Milan fashion shows. 他的时装系列成为米兰时装展的热门话题。(S1)
  for the most part通常; 多半: The older members, for the most part, shun him. 年长的会员通常会避开他。 (S2)
  favorable /5feIvErEbl/ adj表示同意的; 表扬的: a favorable report 赞同的报告(S2)
  to say the least至少可以说; 最起码: I found the flight rather uncomfortable, to say the least. 至少可以这么说, 我觉得这次飞行特别不舒服。 (S2)
  hooray /hU5reI/(=hurrah)(用于表示喜悦、 赞成)好哇, 好; 万岁: Hooray! She’s here at last! 好呀!她终于来了!(S3)
  sober-sided严肃的; 正式的: a play with a sober-sided social message具有严肃的社会意义的戏剧(S3)
  critic /5krItIk/ n [C](尤指职业)评论家: Critics described the paintings as worthless rubbish. 评论家把那些画形容为一文不值的垃圾。 (S3)
  come /kQm/ v [I]发生; 出现: Her death came as a terrible shock to us. 她的死使我们极为震惊。 (S1)
  comparatively /kEm5pArEtIvlI/ adv比较地: Inflation was comparatively low. 通货膨胀相对较低。 (S1)
  advocate /5AdvEkEt/ v [T]拥护; 支持: These policies have been widely advocated. 这些政策已得到广泛的拥护。 (S2)
  unpretentious /9QnprI5tenFEs/ adj不炫耀的; 谦逊的: He is a very famous singer but he is completely unpretentious. 他是位很有名的歌唱家, 但他非常谦逊。 (S2)
  with no/an air of sth没有/有……的神态: He leaned towards Melissa with an air of great confidentiality. 他向梅利莎凑过身去, 显出很亲密的样子。 (S2)
  formidable /5fR:mIdEbl/ adj 可怕的; 引起恐惧或不安的: a very formidable opponent 非常可怕的对手(S2)
  hitherto /9hITE5tu/ adv 迄今; 至今: The weather, which had hitherto been sunny and mild, suddenly turned cold. 迄今一直晴朗温暖的天气突然变冷了。(S3)
  strike sb (as sth) 给人……的印象: The plan strikes me as ridiculous. 我觉得这个计划荒谬可笑。 (S3)
  to be sure 确实; 当然: He is intelligent, to be sure, but he’s also very lazy. 他的确聪明, 可是也很懒惰。 (S2)
  composition /9kCmpE5zIFn/ n [C]作品(如乐曲、 诗或书): ‘Swan Lake’ is one of Tchaikovsky’s best-known compositions. 《天鹅湖》是柴可夫斯基最著名的作品之一。 (S2)
  orchestral /R:5kestrEl/ adj 管弦乐团的: an orchestral concert 管弦乐演奏会 (S2)
  boot up启动(电脑): The menu will be ready as soon as you boot up your computer. 启动电脑, 菜单就出现了。 (S3)
  download /9daUn5lEUd/ v [I,T]下载: You can download this software for free. 你可以免费下载这个软件。 (S3)
  concerter n [C] 出席音乐会(尤指古典音乐会)的人 (S1)
  recording /rI5kR:dIN/ n [C] (录制的)音像; 录音: the band’s latest recording 乐队的最新唱片 (S1)
  substitute for sth/sb 代替者; 代替物: Soya milk is used as a substitute for dairy milk. 豆浆被用作牛奶的替代品。 (S1)
  live /laIv/adj(音乐表演)现场的: There is traditional live music played most nights. 大多数夜晚都有现场音乐演出。 (S1)
  troupe /tru:p/ n[C] 表演团; (巡回)演出团: a dance/circus troupe 舞蹈团/马戏团 (S2)
  bring about 引发; 导致: She brought about a revolution in psychoanalysis. 她引发了心理分析领域的一场革命。 (S4)
  institution /9InstI5tju:Fn/ n [C] 惯例; 习惯做法: Drinking tea at 4 pm is a popular British institution. 下午4点钟吃茶点是英国人很流行的习惯。 (S4)
  markedly /5mB:kIdlI/ adv清楚地; 显著地: He was markedly more pleasant than before. 他比以前和气多了。 (S2)
  vibrant /5vaIbrEnt/ adj充满活力的; 活跃的: a vibrant cosmopolitan city一座充满活力的国际大都市 (S2)
  repertoire /5repEtwB:(r) / n [C]定期演出的全部节目; 经常演出的全部节目: the mainstream concert repertoire 主流音乐会经常演出的全部节目 (S4)
  criticism /5krItIsIzEm/ n [C, U]批评; 批判; 指责: He ignored the criticisms of his friends. 他无视朋友的批评。 (I21)
  suspicion /sE5spIFn/ n[C, U] 怀疑: Her behavior aroused no suspicion. 她的举动未受怀疑。 (I21)
  acclaim /E5kleIm/ n [U] 称道; 赞誉: She has won acclaim for her commitment to democracy. 她因致力于民主而为人赞誉。 (I21)
  influential /9InflU5enFl/ adj 有影响的; 有势力的: Her work is influential in feminist psychology. 她的作品在女性心理学领域很具影响力。 (I22)
  modest /5mCdIst/ adj 谦虚的; 谦恭的: be modest about one’s achievements 对自己的成就很谦逊 (I22)
  exaggerate /Ig5zAdVEreIt/ v [I ,T] 夸大; 言过其实: You are exaggerating the difficulties. 你把困难夸大了。 (I23)
  overestimate /9EUvEr5estImeIt/ v [T] 过高估计(某事物): We overestimated the cost by about 2 per cent. 我们高估了大约2% 的费用。 (I23)
  inferior to sb/sth 比……差: His later work was vastly inferior to his early work. 他后期的作品大不如从前。 (I24)
  accessible /Ek5sesEbl/ adj 易得到的; 易使用的: making learning opportunities more accessible to adults 使成人有更多的学习机会 (I24)
  masterpiece /5mB:stE9pi:s/ n [C] 杰作: It’s one of the greatest masterpieces of Western art. 这是西方艺术最伟大的杰作之一。 (I24)
  revitalize /ri:5vaItElaIz/ v [T]使(某事物)恢复生机; 使再兴: revitalize the industry, economy and education 振兴工业、 经济和教育 (I25)
  enthusiastic /In9Wju:zI5AstIk/ adj 感兴趣的; 热心的: For a while, we were enthusiastic about the idea. 我们曾一度对这个想法很感兴趣。 (I25)


