depart /dI5pB:t/ v[I, T] 离开: He departed his job on December 16. 他于12月16日离职。 (S1)
straight up坦率地; 真实地: His speech was so straight up that he earned lots of support. 他的演讲十分坦率, 这使得他获得了许多支持。 (S1)
cloak /klEUk/ v [T] 隐藏; 覆盖; 掩饰: She cloaked her embarrassment by rushing into speech.她急忙开口说话, 以掩饰自己的尴尬。 (S2)
vague /veIg/ adj 含糊的; 不明确的; 不清楚的: a vague answer/demand/rumor 含糊其辞的回答/要求/传闻 (S2)
come right out and say sth 公开表示: We were all thinking that he’d make a mistake, but nobody would come right out and say it. 我们都认为他犯了一个错误, 但谁都不愿意公开说出来。 (S2)
broadcast /5brR:dkB:st/ v [T] 宣布(某事物); 传播: broadcast one’s views 表明自己的观点 (S3)
board /bR:d/ n[C] 董事会; 理事会: She has a seat on the board of a large company. 她是某大公司董事会成员之一。 (S4)
name /neIm/ v [T] 提名某人或指定某人任一职务: Ms Smith has been named as the new director. 史密斯女士已被任命为新董事。 (S4)
line up 准备好; 就绪: Mark had a job lined up when he left college. 马克大学毕业时, 工作已经找好了。 (S1)
reflect /rI5flekt/ v [I] 沉思; 思考: He had time to reflect on his successes and failures. 他曾有时间思考他的成功与失败。 (S1)
executive /Ig5zekjUtIv/ n [C] 高级管理人员; 经理: a top executive in a large corporation 一家大公司的最高级主管 (S4)
scrutinize /5skru:tInaIz/ v [T] 仔细或彻底检查(某事物): scrutinize all the documents relating to the trial 仔细审阅与该案有关的所有文件 (S5)
succession /sEk5seFn/ n [C] (对王位或者领导职位的)继承, 继任: the succession to the English throne 英国王位的继承 (S5)
in response to sth 反应; 作为对……的回应: The company reviewed its safety procedures in response to complaints. 接到投诉后, 公司检查了他们的安全程序。 (S5)
get the nod 获选; 获准: This proposal got the nod from the chief. 这个建议获得了主任的认可。 (S5)
move on 变换(工作): I enjoyed my job, but it was time to move on. 我热爱我的工作, 但已到换份新工作的时候了。 (S5)
cloud /klaUd/ v [T] 毁坏(某事物); 威胁: I hope this disagreement won’t cloud our friendship. 我希望这一分歧不会影响我们的友谊。 (S6)
take hold 开始起作用: The reforms of the late nineteenth century had taken hold. 19世纪后期的改革已开始起作用了。 (S1)
deputy /5depjUtI/ n [C] (企业、 学校等领导人的)副手: the deputy headmistress 女副校长 (S1)
quarter /5kwR:tE(r)/ n [C] 季度: Our gas bill for the last quarter was unusually high. 我们上季度的煤气费异常高。 (S2)
turnover /t:n5EUvE(r)/ n [U] 人员更替率(S2)
stick with sth (尤指为获得帮助或保护而)紧紧跟着某人: Stick with me and you’ll be all right. 紧紧跟着我, 这样你就不会有事的。 (S2)
pick up好转; 改善: The market always picks up in the spring. 一到春天市场就活跃了。 (S3)
abound /E5baUnd/ v [I] 大量存在: Oranges abound here all the year round. 此地终年盛产柑橘。 (S3)
headhunter /5hedhQntE(r)/ n [C] 猎头(S2)
adhere to遵守(法规、 法律或协议): We must strictly adhere to the terms of the contract. 我们必须严格遵守合同条款。 (S2)
poach /pEUtF/ v [T] 从某人(某处)挖走(人员): A rival firm poached our best computer program-mers. 对手公司把我们最好的计算机编程人员挖走了。(S2)
senior partner 大股东 (S3)
instruct /In5strQkt/ v [T] 向(某人)下命令(或指示); 指导: I’ve instructed them to keep the room locked. 我已吩咐他们那个房间要上锁。 (S3)
sit /sIt/ v [T] 在职;担任(职务):She sat on a number of committees. 她曾同时在几个委员会中任职。(S3)
land in抵达; 到达: It will likely land in the midst of an escalating standoff over this year’s budget . 今年我的预算将会达到逐渐上升的状态。 (S1)
recruiter /rI5kru:t/ n [C] 招聘人员 (S1)
between jobs (委婉语)暂时失业中, 字面意思为“在工作之间”, 即辞掉了原有的工作, 但还未找到新工作的状态 (S2)
fundamentally /9fQndE5mentlI/ adv 根本地: two fundamentally different concepts of democracy 两个根本不一样的民主观念 (S3)
invert /In5v:t/ v [T] 使(某物)倒置、 倒转或颠倒: invert a glass 把玻璃杯倒过来 (S3)
arrogant /5ArEgEnt/ adj 傲慢的; 自大的: I found him arrogant and rude. 我发现他既傲慢又粗鲁。(I26)
spur /sp:(r)/ v [T] 激励; 刺激: I was spurred by his comments. 他的话激励了我。 (I27)
strained /streInd/ adj(气氛、 形势、 关系等)紧张的: the strained relationship between the two countries 两国紧张的关系 (I27)
approve /E5pru:v/ v [I,T] 赞成; 认可; 批准(某事物); 通过: The budget was approved by parliament. 议会批准了预算。 (I28)
attend to sb/sth 处理, 对付(某人或者某事): We still have a number of other matters to attend to. 我们还有其他一些事情需要处理。 (I28)
cling to sb/sth 附着于某物; 牢牢粘着: He still clings to his mother even at the age of ten. 他已经十岁了, 还总是跟着妈妈。 (I29)
stick to sth 坚守, 信守(许诺、 信仰、 规则): The government stuck to their election pledges. 政府信守他们的竞选誓约。 (I29)