谷歌面临欧盟反垄断指控,理由是它在安卓智能手机操作系统上偏向谷歌自身的业务,比如它的搜索引擎和谷歌地图,使其获得了相对于竞争对手的不正当优势。谷歌的回应是这样的:Hardware manufacturers and carriers can decide
how to use Android, and consumers have the last word about which apps they
want to use on their devices.硬件制造商和运营商可以自己决定如何使用安卓,用户对于在自己的设备上使用哪些应用也拥有最终决定权。
Despite the company’s denials, the expected charges linked to Android, which
powers 77 percent of European smartphones, would represent a major setback
for the Silicon Valley company as it grapples with a growing number of global
competition investigations into ogle’s vast operations.
Unlike the east coast, with its party machines and opaque movements of money, California’s love of direct democracy, which weakens parties and allows individuals to be recalled from office, was supposed to keep politicians honest.
词汇突破:1.opaque 不透明的
2.direct democracy直接民主。指公民直接参与、讨论、决定和管理国家与社会事务的民主形式。
3.be recalled from office 被弹劾
主干识别: California’s love of direct democracy was supposed to keep politicians honest.
切分成分: 1.Unlike the east coast, 状语
2.with its party machines and opaque movements of money 状语(原因)
(its=east coast’)
3.which weakens parties and allows individuals to be recalled from office
定语从句 (which = California’s love of direct democracy)
独立成句: California’s love of direct democracy weakens parties and allows individuals to be recalled from office
调整语序: 213+主干 先原因后结果; (当然其他的语序也是可以接受的。)
参考译文: 因为在东部有政党的机器和不透明的资金流动,所以加州与东部沿海各州是不一样的,加州对于直接民主的挚爱削弱了各党派的力量,使个人能直接被弹劾,进而被认为能使政客们保持诚实。
1. prone to 记住这个词的搭配:prone to do sth/ prone to sth;
2. pampered
3. showdown 对峙
4. boil down to sth 归结于;
In the end, what it all boils down to is money, or the lack of it.
5. turns on 和boils down to 是一个递进关系;
6. precedent 先例; unprecedented 没有判决先例的
7.loves and fantasies, illnesses and losses.
8.Revealing 发人深省
9.emerging markets 新兴市场
10.outspend,这个词大致有三个意思:1.花费超过…范围;2.比(他人)花费多; 3.比着花钱,攀比;
12.Sb’ case is that… 这是一个句型,“某人的理由是…”
13.Unshackled 解除束缚; 同义词:Unchained; unfettered; untied
14. drag on (动词短语) 拖,拉拽,这里表示某件事情的胶着
15.within reason 在合理的范围之内
16.Devolve 移交(主要指权力的移交)
例句:In order to promote local vernance through decentralization, the vernment has begun plans to devolve powers to the districts.
17.View A as B: 认为A是B; 这个结构,老外常常会写成:View as B A. 意思还是认为A是B;
18.lingering 持续的,挥之不去的,
19.bad press 负面报道
20.rests on 基于…,取决于…
21.established conventions 已确立的传统(规定/习俗)
22. in that= because 因为引导状语从句;
23.the high street 商业街
24. Virtual 这个词一定要看英文解释;
1)almost or very nearly the thing described, so that any slight difference is not important. 几乎,实际上;
He married a virtual stranger. 他娶了一位几乎素不相识的女子。
2) made to appear to exist by the use of computer software 虚拟的
25.take an unusual twist : 发生了不寻常的转折;
26.be central to 对…很重要;
27.analous 类似于
28.exemplary 可做榜样的,可做楷模的 : 例句:Her behavior is exemplary. 她的行为堪称楷模
29.jittery 小心谨慎
30.anything less than 绝不是