A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide — the division of the world into the info(information) rich and the info poor. And that divide does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years a. What was less visible then, however, were the new, positive forces that
work against the digital divide. There are reasons to be optimistic.
55. Digital divide is something ________.
[A] getting worse because of the Internet
[B] the rich countries are responsible for
[C] the world must guard against
[D] considered positive today
People all over the world set great regard on od manners. To certain degree, od manners indicate a person’s od education and breeding. In schools, it is part of students’ moral training to develop od manners. A person with od manners always wins praise. On the contrary, people will frown on him if he behaves roughly and impolitely.