Yet the threats to freedom of immigration movement are more likely to come from the countries that benefit from it. The row over posted workers shows how mobility rights can run up against the EU’s impulse to “protect” citizens in rich countries from globalization’s ravages. Economic and technological changes are making working lives more precarious; in time, more vernments may choose to pin the blame on free movement. One former senior EU official involved in previous rounds of accession talks says that an “emergency brake” rule allowing vernments to halt labour inflows is inevitable.
The energy companies are coming under increased pressure from the vernment(政府向能源公司增加压力)to pass on falls in wholesale gas prices and to slash(减少) consumers’ gas and electricity bills.
Amber Rudd, the newly appointed energy andclimate change secretary, has written to the ‘big six’ energy companies callinn them to lower their prices now that a pledge by Labour to impose a freezewas off the table.
Analysis by regulator has found the energyfirms are now making an average profit of £118 per dual fuel deal this year –up 32% on the previous year, while wholesale gas and electricity costs are now£80 lower than they were a year a.