始于1957年、欧盟六个创始成员之间的工作许可证制度现在允许欧洲人在28个国家工作、学习和在任何地方退休,无需许可证或签证。这本意是用来欧盟的其他自由相互补:货物、 服务和资本。调查结果不断发现,民众将自由迁移视为欧盟带来的最好礼物。各国政府也强烈地支持自由迁移:然而,以目前数据来看,最近的流动性变的很差。
It is the home countries of emigrants, however, that have been most hurt so far. A recent IMF report found that post-communist emigration from eastern European countries has stunted their growth, strained public finances and accentuated demographic problems. Romania is among the hardest hit. Young people are disproportionately likely to leave, raising the average age and hitting the already-low fertility rate. Remittances helped plug the current account deficit, but they may also deter Romanians from entering the labour market.
Yet the threats to freedom of immigration movement are more likely to come from the countries that benefit from it. The row over posted workers shows how mobility rights can run up against the EU’s impulse to “protect” citizens in rich countries from globalization’s ravages. Economic and technological changes are making working lives more precarious; in time, more vernments may choose to pin the blame on free movement. One former senior EU official involved in previous rounds of accession talks says that an “emergency brake” rule allowing vernments to halt labour inflows is inevitable. Mr Cameron’s bid may simply have been premature.
Why there is a debate on the immigrate workers in Europe?
(A) The countries benefit from immigration threat the freedom of it.
(B) The mobility rights conflict with the rich economies’ desire to protect citizens.
(C) The changes of economy and technology make the working lives unstable.
(D) The sudden brake allows vernments to stop labour movement in Europe.