高盛集团因购买一直由委内瑞拉央行持有的债券,而遭到了该国反对党的强烈抨击(decried)。反对党领袖胡里奥﹒博格斯认为高盛此举无异于经济支援四面楚歌(crisis-torn)的独裁总统马杜罗,意图从委内瑞拉人民的苦难中赚笔快钱(make a quick buck off the suffering of Venezuelan people)。高盛的资产管理部门上周以约8.65亿美元的价格(相当于面值的31%)购买了价值28亿美元的委内瑞拉债券。这批债券是委内瑞拉国家石油公司(Petroleos de Venezuela SA, 简称PdVSA)在2014年发行的,将于2022年到期。反对党还称,打算建议委内瑞拉未来的任何民主政府都不要承认或偿还这些债券。
“ldman Sachs’s financial lifeline to the regime will serve to strengthen the brutal repression unleashed against the hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans peacefully protesting for political change in the country,” Julio Borges, head of Venezuela’s opposition-controlled congress, said in a public letter to the bank’s chief executive, Lloyd Blankfein.
Lifeline 生命线;救命索
Regime 政权
Strengthen 加强
Brutal 野蛮的;残忍的
Repression 镇压
Unleash 解除……束缚;释放
Public letter 公开信
Julio Borges said
1.ldman Sachs’s financial lifeline to the regime will serve to strengthen the brutal repression
2. unleashed against the hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans
=the brutal repression is unleashed against the hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans
2. peacefully protesting for political change in the country
=The hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans are peacefully protest for political change in the country.
They found activating these neurons immediately caused binge eating, making the mice eat more than one third of their daily food rations in just 10 minutes, and increasing their preference for high-fat foods. Weak stimulation, delivered for 10 minutes and repeated four times at 30-minute intervals, worsened overeating and the desire for fatty foods, causing the mice to consume nearly three quarters of their daily food intake, and to gain weight.