一直以来,神经科学家认为人脸识别(facial recognition)——人类大脑最高级的活动之一——是感性的且高度特异性(highly specific)的,无法轻易被重构和模仿(reconstruct and simulate)。传统的理论认为,我们日常的每一种意识体验、思维以及记忆,不管是对于某个亲戚朋友,还是其他任何人或者物,都只有特定的神经元与之对应。神经元以一种非常具体而明确的方式存储记忆的观点无疑十分浪漫,不乏情怀。然而加州理工大学的两名科学家最近的研究发现,人脸识别的过程实际上类似于计算机算法(alrithm)。在他们尝试将面部信息分解成两组各含25个度量标准(measurement)的数字时,结果发现计算机程序识别及重建的能力和人脑相差无二。
The puzzle of how the brain identifies a familiar face dates back to the 1960s, when the US neuroscientist, Jerry Lettvin, suggested that people have hyper-specific neurons that respond to specific objects, a notion that became known as "grandmother cells", based on the idea that you have a specific neuron that would fire on seeing your grandmother.
1.Puzzle 难题
2.Identify 识别
3.Date back to 回溯
4.Hyper-specific 高度特化
5.Neuron 神经元
6.Notion 概念;观点
The puzzle of how the brain identifies a familiar face dates back to the 1960s
1.when the US neuroscientist, Jerry Lettvin, suggested that people have hyper-specific neurons that respond to specific objects,
2. a notion that became known as "grandmother cells",
3. based on the idea that you have a specific neuron that would fire on seeing your grandmother.
=This notion is based on the idea that you have a specific neuron that would fire on seeing your grandmother.
Opening on a scene of social privilege and affluence studded with sharp one-liners, the play takes a dark and controversial turn into a world of extortion, mistrust, deception and assisted dying.