谈到虱子,许多人会觉得是一个模糊遥远而陈旧的存在。医学的进步和个人卫生意味的提高的确令虱子不那么常见,但它们远比我们想要相信的更加普遍(Lice are far more common than people want to believe),甚至更加强大。调查发现在土耳其和英国这样医疗卫生状况相对较佳的国家,虱子的感染率仍十分之高(high rate of infestation)。另外,由于非处方除虱洗发水(over-the-counter lice shampoo)的频繁使用(repeated use),虱子们已经进化出针对拟除虫菊酯(pyrethorids)的抗药性,这意味着染上头虱的孩子们可能要在洗了两周药之后才会发现自己感染的虱子是有抗药性的“超级虱子”(super lice)。所以目前人类的唯一应对方法就是研究出基于新型作用机制的疗法。如美国2009年批准的Ulesfia,该药含有高浓度的苯甲醇(Benzyl alcohol),可令虱子“醉死”,即窒息;2011年批准的含有神经毒素多杀菌素的Natroba;2012年批准的含有伊维菌素的Sklice。
In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration has approved three prescription treatments since 2009: Ulesfia, which contains high levels of alcohol and kills the lice essentially by suffocating them;Natroba, which overexcites nerve cells by activating their nicotinic acetylcholine receptors; and Sklice, which inhibits nerve impulses by activating their glutamate chloride channels.
1.Prescription 处方
2.Alcohol 醇类物质
3.Suffocate 窒息
4.Activate 激活
5.Nicotinic acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱
6.Receptor 受体
7.Inhibit 抑制
8.Nerve impulse 神经冲动
the Food and Drug Administration has approved three prescription treatments since 2009
1.Ulesfia, which contains high levels of alcohol and kills the lice essentially by suffocating them;
2. Natroba, which overexcites nerve cells by activating their nicotinic acetylcholine receptors;
3. and Sklice, which inhibits nerve impulses by activating their glutamate chloride channels.
The puzzle of how the brain identifies a familiar face dates back to the 1960s, when the US neuroscientist, Jerry Lettvin, suggested that people have hyper-specific neurons that respond to specific objects, a notice that became known as "grandmother cells", based on the idea that you have a specific neuron that would fire on seeing your grandmother.