These wildly divergent views and situations have allowed populists to drive a wedge into the heart of the E.U., claiming to represent ordinary people against a liberal Brussels elite intruding on everything from resettling refugees to dictating the curviness of imported bananas.
1.Divergent 迥异的;不同的
2.Populist 民粹派
3.Wedge 楔状物
(1)Drive a wedge between A and B: 挑拨A和B的关系,造成A和B的分裂;
(2)Drive a wedge into sth:造成sth的分裂;
4.Liberal 自由派
5.Elite 精英
6.Intrude on 介入;干涉
7.Resettle 安置
8.Dictate 命令
9.Curviness 曲线
确定主干:These wildly divergent views and situations have allowed populists to drive a wedge into the heart of the E.U.
下面两个结构关键在于确定claiming和intruding 的动作发出者是谁!
1.claiming to represent ordinary people against a liberal Brussels elite
=Populists claim to represent ordinary people against a liberal Brussels elite
2.intruding on everything from resettling refugees to dictating the curviness of imported bananas.
= Brussels elite intrude on everything from resettling refugees to dictating the curviness of imported bananas
2017年对于欧盟来说是一个重要的里程碑。60年前,1957年3月25日,欧洲六国领导人在罗马签约(Treaty of Rome)建立了欧共体和欧洲原子能共同体,开启单一欧洲共同市场并成功实现了欧洲团结的理想。不仅如此,启动欧元项目的《马斯特里赫特条约》(Treaty of Maastricht)如今也已正式生效25周年。这本应是一个值得令人庆贺的时机,对于任何联盟维持60年都是令人印象深刻的成就。然而欧洲的普通民众却一点也不感到欢欣雀跃。相反自席卷希腊、意大利和西班牙的欧元区危机以来,南北之间的鸿沟日益增大。2015年以来的难民潮更是进一步激化了民众对欧盟的指责和不满。在这种背景之下,反欧盟的国家主义思潮在各国风起云涌,本处于边缘的极右派政党支持率达到了史无前例的高度:法国的Marine Le Pen承诺会尾随英国举行退欧公投并重新流通法朗;荷兰的Geert Wilders也热衷于退欧,并呼吁将古兰经列入禁书并禁止任何伊斯兰服饰及风俗出现在公共场合。正如欧洲议会社会党团主席Gianni Pittella近日所说,如果欧盟不能把握时机重新创设新的积极愿景,花甲之年将是史上最混乱的离异的开始(could just be the start of one of the messiest divorces in history)。
Directions: For this part, you are required to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your school teachers upon entering college.
Dear Kevin,
I am writing this letter to express my sincere thanks for what you have done for me when I was in difficulty. I have been encouraged by you to broaden my horizons with more activities to embrace this world, which is the best way for me to get a clear perspective of what I am hoping to do with my live and why. So I can gain competitive edge in my future career.
You have told me that the skill to balance study and work contributes directly to enhancing our academic performance, job hunting and promotion in a system, which inspires me to improve my ability of time management.
I also have learned from you that the cultivation of critical thinking ability was, is and remains to be an integral part in achieving one's personal accomplishment. So, I have learned how to think creatively and critically, which will put me in a favorable position in the job market.
Thank you again for your help!
Yours sincerely,