If it wins congressional support this year, the FAA would lose more than 65 percent of its workers and be reduced to the role of a regulatory oversight agency, much like the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which issues auto regulations and recalls faulty vehicles.
1.Congressional support 国会支持
2.FAA/Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空管理局
3.Reduce 降低;减少
4.Oversight 监督
5.Issue 出台
6.Recall 召回
7.Faulty 故障
确定主干:The FAA would lose more than 65 percent of its workers and be reduced to the role of a regulatory oversight agency
切分成分:1.much like the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,定语
2. which issues auto regulations and recalls faulty vehicles. 定语从句
3.If it wins congressional support this year 状语从句
共和党最近广受诟病的预算草案计划将联邦航空局3万个职位从联邦政府薪水名册上除名,并削减了运输部门预算的13%。这3万个职位包括14000位空管员和16000位其它员工,他们都是“下一代”(NextGen)项目的成员。该项目的宗旨是提升飞机旅行速度、节约航空燃料和在20年的时间内多容纳20%的空中旅客。然而项目的实际成绩与宗旨相差甚远,政府问责办公室(美国政府的内部审计机构)的多次报告都直接对其进行了批评。共和党此次行动的目的在于将这个项目私有化,通过市场的运作来提高空管的效率并最终令纳税者受益(benefit to the flying public and taxpayers overall)。令人叫奇的是,行业工会对大量成员将失去“皇粮”拍手叫好,认为空管网络早就应该和世界上许多国家一样由私营部门运营。“太久啦,联邦政府一直是我们空管系统升级成世界一流水平的最大障碍。就像华盛顿的许多创造性变革一样,既定利益团体会说任何话做任何事来保护自己狭隘的利益。但真相并不在他们的一边。”(but the facts are not on their side)其他不说,特朗普确实是一名务实的人,绝不养闲人。这点来看,可以为他点赞。
Whereas advertisers usually get strict assurances about how and where their ads will be placed on television and in print publications, Google and other internet players like Facebook do not provide the same oversight. This is because of the volume of websites they deal with, because of the fact that they have less direct control over the content uploaded to those sites and because algorithms, rather than humans place the majority of ads.