  • 群名称:2020文都考研交流2群
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来源:武汉文都 更新时间:2019-08-06 16:28:02

      “OUR primary al is for our users to see us as a gym, where they can work out and keep mentally fit,” says Michael Scanlon, the co-founder and chief scientist of Lumos Labs. For $14.95 a month, subscribers to the firm’s Lumosity website get to play a selection of online games designed to improve their cognitive performance. There are around 40 exercises available, including “speed match”, in which players click if an image matches a previous one; “memory matrix”, which requires remembering which squares on a matrix were shaded; and “raindrops”, which involves solving arithmetic problems before the raindrops containing them hit the ground. The puzzles are varied, according to how well users perform, to ensure they are given a suitably challenging brain-training session each day.

  1. Which of the following tasks is presented by the website according to the first paragraph?

  [A] To remember some shaded matrix in asquare.

  [B] To click the previous matches in “speedmatch”

  [C] To prevent mental deterioration with some activities.

  [D] To hit raindrops containing arithmetic problems.


  [C]To prevent mental deterioration with some activities.




  It is pathetic to see that education is being valued more by

  benefits the individual can profit from society than by the

  extent to which the individuals can come into possesion of his or her powers.


  It is pathetic /to see that /education is being valued more by benefits /the individual can profit from society/ than by the extent/ to which the individuals can come into possesion of his or her powers.


  我们可以看到:to see that,教育更多是由(more by) 一个人从这个社会中的收益来评价的,而不是(than by)由一个人能多大程度(the extent/ to which)地拥有其能力( come into possesion of his or her powers)来判断的。这是令人可悲的(It is pathetic)。


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