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来源:武汉文都 更新时间:2019-08-06 16:28:02




  Howard D. Schultz, the chief executive of Starbucks, said in a letter to employees on Sunday that baristas would no longer be encouraged to write the phrase “Race Together” on customers’ coffee cups, drawing to a close a widely derided component of the company’s plan to promote a discussion on racial issues.

  词汇突破:1. Baristas 咖啡师(不是要你一定背,混个脸熟,这个词其实就是星巴克用的多,星巴克里面穿黑围裙的那个,需要一步步升级到这个 位置的。)

  (200考研就出现过 Manicurists 美甲师)

  2. drawing to a close :快结束了

  Drawing to a close sth…sth快结束了…

  3. deride 指责,嘲笑 derided 受到指责的…

  4. racial 种族

  句子解析:Howard D. Schultz, the chief executive of Starbucks, said in a letter to employees on Sunday that baristas would no longer be encouraged to write the phrase “Race Together” on customers’ coffee cups, /drawing to a close a widely derided component of the company’s plan to promote a discussion on racial issues.

  看到我切得这一刀了,切完以后前半部分语序非常符合中文的语序,基本不用分析了,后一部分你也不用去管是什么成分,(状语)独立 成句就好了。

  难点解析: drawing to a close a widely derided component/ of the company’s plan to promote a discussion on racial issues.


  Drawing 的主语就是前面的整个句子。


  参考译文: 星巴克首席执行官霍华德•D•舒尔茨周日在一封致员工的信中说道,不再鼓励咖啡师在客人的咖啡杯上写“种族共处”(Race Together) 口号。星巴克计划促进种族问题的讨论,而这个计划中广受嘲笑的部分就快结束了。

  Some critics said that Starbucks might look first to its own executive team, which they suggested was considerably less diverse than lower-paid staff. Others felt that a coffee company should not foist such discussions on customers.


  词汇突破:1. Foist 强迫接受,强加于

  2. diverse 多样的

  3. staff 员工

  4. executive team 高管团队

  5. critics 批评者

  句子解析:Some critics said that Starbucks might look first to its own executive team, /which they suggested was considerably less diverse than lower-paid staff.

  这句话的难点在于which they suggested was considerably less diverse than lower-paid staff.


  Which= executive team

  They= Critics

  Critics suggested executive team was considerably less diverse than lower-paid staff.(这样就好理解了吧。)



  Others felt that a coffee company should not foist such discussions on customers.

