大众集团在美国已经和法院达成一项和解方案,以天价罚款为事件买单换取检方放弃罪案指控。虽然这个裁决终于让事件有了一个结果,但尾气门事件的余波尚在欧洲大陆振荡。首先是德国司法机关展开了对大众CEO及其前任的调查,以期了解他们是否故意隐瞒关于排放测试系统作弊的信息来误导投资者。同时,欧盟针对意大利开展法律行动,称意大利故意无视了车企菲亚特克莱斯勒同样的作弊行为(overlooked attempts by Fiat Chrysler to cheat on diesel emission tests)。虽然意大利政府在欧盟正式启动该行动前的最后一刻请求延时(a last-minute call for a postponement),但欧盟没有给予意大利进一步解释的机会。
Italy has become the latest member state to be accused by the European commission – the EU’s executive body – of ignoring the installation of so-called defeat devices in cars, in a scandal that continues to reveal both the alleged illegal practices of major manufacturers and the weakness of national regulators.
1.Member state 成员国
2.Accuse 指责
3.Installation 安装
4.Scandal 丑闻
5.Alleged 指称的;尚未定罪的
Italy has become the latest member state
1. to be accused by the European commission of ignoring the installation of so-called defeat devices in cars 定语 ( to be accused by A of doing something)
2.– the EU’s executive body –同位语
3. in a scandal 状语
4. that continues to reveal both the alleged illegal practices of major manufacturers and the weakness of national regulators. 定语
Mr. Kenny drew attention during a St. Patrick’s Day visit to Washington, where he seemed to reproach President Trump, raising the subject of the estimated 50,000 Irish people living in the United States illegally who would be at risk if Mr. Trump keeps his campaign promise to round up undocumented immigrants.