5月17日,爱尔兰总理肯尼(Enda Kenny)辞去了“统一党”(Fine Gael)党魁的职务,宣布自己不会代表统一党进入明年大选。现年66岁的肯尼2011年开始担任爱尔兰总理并且已经领导统一党长达15年。但由于他对爱尔兰长期存在的警界贪腐丑闻(long-running corruption scandal involving Irish police misconduct)处理乏力,因而受到了来自党内的巨大压力和质疑。今年3月他就曾暗示(hinted)自己会退居二线(step down),周三的这个声明令正式宣布了(make it official)他的退隐(departure),开启了两名年轻部长之间的一场接班竞争。统一党必须在6月2日国会投票之前选择新的党魁参加总理竞选。在此之前,肯尼仍将作为看守(as a caretaker)总理承担行政职责。今年肯尼曾因访问美国时直接责问特朗普而赢得民众的关注和好感。
Mr. Kenny drew attention during a St. Patrick’s Day visit to Washington, where he seemed to reproach President Trump, raising the subject of the estimated 50,000 Irish people living in the United States illegally who would be at risk if Mr. Trump keeps his campaign promise to round up undocumented immigrants.
1.Draw attention 引起关注
2.St. Patrick’s Day圣帕特里克节
3.Reproach 责备
4.Estimated 大约的
5.Campaign promise 竞选承诺
6.Undocumented immigrants非法移民
7.Subject 话题
Mr. Kenny drew attention during a St. Patrick’s Day visit to Washington
1.where he seemed to reproach President Trump
2. raising the subject of the estimated 50,000 Irish people living in the United States illegally
3. who would be at risk
Who= Irish people
4. if Mr. Trump keeps his campaign promise to round up undocumented immigrants.
The second phase of the process involves the selected bidders bringing forward elaborated proposals that would include budgets and constructing a mock-up; the third step would be to award a contract to the top companies, which would oversee construction of the actual wall.