《巴黎协定》(The Paris Agreement)是全球第一个旨在全面减少温室气体排放的协议(climate accord)。该协议于奥巴马政府执政时期签署通过。然而在生效仅四天后,特朗普便当选美国总统,他一直向公众表示气候变化是一项骗局(a scam),并誓言要退出巴黎协定。日前刚刚在意大利陶尔米纳闭幕的七国首脑峰会上,虽然加拿大、法国、德国、意大利、日本、英国和欧盟的领导人重申他们对气候问题上的共识和坚定承诺(affirmed their commitment to ),并有意与特朗普进行深入探讨,说服他继续让美国认可《巴黎协定》。但会谈并无任何实质性突破(no substantive result),美国在《巴黎协定》的去留问题上仍未作出决定(still refuse to decide)。默克尔在峰会结束后向媒体表示:关于气候问题的讨论一直很艰难,或者说令人非常不满意,峰会的情况是,六个领导人,或者加上欧盟是七个,在反对一个领导人。
The stalemate leaves the country’s future role in the climate accord in flux, though Mr. Trump promised to make a decision in the week ahead on whether the United States will be the first of 195 signatories to pull out.
1.Stalemate 僵局
2.Accord 协议
3.In flux 处于不断变化中
4.Signatory 签约国
5.Pull out 退出
6. leave 使
The stalemate leaves the country’s future role in the climate accord in flux
1.though Mr. Trump promised to make a decision on whether the United States will be the first of 195 signatories to pull out. 让步状语从句
2.in the week ahead 时间状语
Fearing that Germany will insist on delays to an agreement until at least after elections in September, Athens’ finance minister hinted that the beleaguered nation could be plunged deeper into recession after seeing its economy contract by more than 25% since the start of its financial crisis.